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After training Lauren went to her room and showered. She then walked into the library to read. When she entered she saw Max sitting in one of the armchairs reading one of manga comics she decided to sneak up on him. Lauren tip-toed behind the arm chair he was sitting on and crouched down behind it.
"Ahh!" He turned around "Lol! Stop!"
"Every time I see you, you either say I'm your boyfriend or scare me!"
"Oh I forgot about that boyfriend thingy"
"Yeah, well now that he's your brother we can stop acting"
"Oh...ok" Lauren was kind of disappointed, she didn't think that hearing Max didn't want to be her boyfriend would upset her, but it did. She shrugged the feeling off and kept her cool, smiling at him.

Changing the subject she said "You wanna play a game?" Max put the comic down and looked at her

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Changing the subject she said "You wanna play a game?" Max put the comic down and looked at her.

"Sure! What game?""Truth or dare?" She suggested

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"Sure! What game?"
"Truth or dare?" She suggested. Max just stared at her blankly.

"What?""You don't know truth or dare?!""Am I suppose to?""Of course you are Maxy!" After Lauren explained the rules to him, they started playing

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"You don't know truth or dare?!"
"Am I suppose to?"
"Of course you are Maxy!"
After Lauren explained the rules to him, they started playing. They did rock, paper, scissors to see who started. Max won. He looked at Lauren and smiled "I dare you to" he paused "get two ducks from the park and one each in Jace's and Abi's room!"
"Maxy! They'll kill me!"
"A dare is a dare" Max crossed his arms and lifted his chin. Lauren sighed "Fine"
They got two ducks from the local park and hid them under their jackets. They went to Abi's room first and Lauren placed the duck in the bed, tucking it in. She heard Max laugh from behind her and turned "What?"
"Why are you tucking it in? It's not going to bed"
"I'm just being nice" They both laughed and headed to Jace's room and did the same.
While waiting for the victims to come home, they carried on playing the game. They were sat. Crossed legged on the floor when Lauren said "Maxy"
"Truth or Dare?"
"I dare you to...let me do your make-up" Lauren laughed. Max looked horrified "What?!"
"You heard me, let me do your make-up"
"Fine" Max huffed as he finally agreed. Lauren jumped up and held out a hand to him to help him up. The two then ran to Izzy's room hand in hand to borrow some of her makeup.
Izzy agreed to let them borrow some of her makeup as long as she was allowed to help.
"We should make his lips pink!" Lauren grabbed the pink lipstick from Izzy's make-up bag. Izzy shook her head "no we should go classic...Red!"
"Yas!" Mimicked Lauren, causing all three of them to laugh. Lauren decided to grab Izzy's eye shadow pallet and start on Max's eyes while Izzy did his lips. She completed a classic beige smokey eye in minutes.
They were just adding finishing touches when they heard a scream from the other side of the institute. It was Abi. They all got up and ran to her room. Once they entered they saw a horrified looking Abi about to behead an innocent duck. Lauren ran in front of the small creature and Abi stopped her sword just as it was about to slice Lauren's cheek. Lauren looked horrified "Abi!" She picked up the small duck. Abi lowered her sword "Lauren? This was you!"
"Yes! No! We'll sort of!"
"I'm gonna kill you!"

 Abi lowered her sword "Lauren? This was you!""Yes! No! We'll sort of!""I'm gonna kill you!"

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Abi screeched as Lauren look cover behind Max. However, Abi stopped dead in her tracks as she saw the raven haired boy "Max?"
"Yeah" he said. Lauren started to giggle behind Max "Why have you got makeup on?" Abi questioned. Max just sighed "Its a long story"
Max explained his and Lauren's game of truth or dare to Abi. "and we put one in Jace's room as well, but you can't tell him!" He added. Izzy interrupted "well he's on his way back now" she said. Lauren stood up, "ok I'm going to get my phone and hide in the wardrobe and film, Abi, you and Izzy find a way to get him in his room"
"What about me?"
"Max, you can come with me incase Jace tries to kill me" he stood up and stood next to her "let's do this!"
"Where do we hide?" Lauren asked Max, who was currently trying to fit under the bed, "here, your not going to fit under there" She laughed as she helped him up, "we could hide in the wardrobe?" He suggested, "great!" Lauren grabbed his arm and started to get in the wardrobe "sometimes I don't know what I would do without you Maxy!" Max just smiled.

Meanwhile Abi was struggling to come up with a good excuse to get Jace into his room.
Fake being pregnant?.. Probably not because that might lead to the death of Jonathan. Maybe I'll pretend that clary asked me to go get her stele so she could show me how to do runes. It's not totally a lie she did say I could get the voyance rune. Time to begin the evil plan.
And Abi walked to the institute entrance to see her dad.

My friend quirkyhouse helped me write this so you should go and check out her stories!

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