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Clary told Lauren all about shadowhunters and demons on the walk back to Lauren's house.
"So" said Lauren, fiddling with her nails "who were all those people back in there?"
"Well" answered Clary quickly "the blonde one was Jace, and the guy with highlights is Magnus, and there's the Lightwoods, Isabelle, Max and Alec their brother... Oh, and the two adults are Robert and Maryse, their parents" she said counting each one of her fingers, ticking them of as she went.
"Do you all live there?" Asked Lauren, trying to keep the convocation, "Yeah, well except Magnus of course" By now they were just coming up to Lauren's house, the lights now turned off signaling that her parents were in bed. Lauren clapped her hands together and sighed "we're here"
"Alright" Clary hugged her and went to turn away, shouting a quick "goodbye love" as she went.

Lauren was a on edge at the 'love' part as only her mother had ever called her that, but she quickly shrugged it of as she crawled into bed

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Lauren was a on edge at the 'love' part as only her mother had ever called her that, but she quickly shrugged it of as she crawled into bed.

Clary started running, not knowing why but only knowing that she had to get to the institute. As fast as possible. She had to talk to Jace.
Running through the doors into the library not having the time to care where she was going, Clary numbed straight into Jace. He looked relieved and held her shoulders, "Clary I need to talk to you about Lauren" Clary held his hands tight,

"Do you think she could be-""I don't know but we need to talk to Magnus"Taking each others hands they practically ran to Magnus' house and knocked rather loudly on the now purple door

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"Do you think she could be-"
"I don't know but we need to talk to Magnus"
Taking each others hands they practically ran to Magnus' house and knocked rather loudly on the now purple door.
Magnus opened the door, rubbing at his eyes with multiple curlers in his hair. "Magnus, we need to talk to you, it's about-" but before Jace finished Magnus held up his hand, "I know, you want to ask about that girl"
"How did you know" questioned Clary, Magnus just rolled his eyes, "She's literally your faces morphed together!"
"I guess that's true" said Jace "is there anything you can do? Like a spell or something to see if she truly is ours?"
"Well" Said Magnus, voice dripping with sarcasm "You know the mundanes have this magical thing called a DNA test"
"Great!" Jumped Clary "Do you think you will be able to?"
"Leave it to me" And with that, the purple door was shut and Clary and Jace were left in the cold, feeling nervous.
• • • •
The next day Lauren woke up to go to Abi's. Abi wasn't expecting her but it was normal for Lauren just turn up at random times.
On the walk there Lauren bumped into someone very unexpected. Max. This guy just seems to turn up everywhere.
He caught sight of her and waved happily, "Hey Lauren!"
"Hey Max, what're you doing here?"
"Well, I wanted to show you around the institute but I didn't get a chance yesterday" he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I have to go to my friends but maybe after?" Lauren suggested. "Oh... Ok" he faked a smile and Lauren carried on her very short journey to Abi's. But just as she was about to cross the road she realised, Abi is a mundane and Max is a shadowhunter (like herself) Lauren thought that she needed to spent more time with other shadowhunters. But she promised herself that she would go and see Abi later that day because she didn't want to just forget about her best friend.
She turned around and saw Max slowly walking back the other way, she ran to catch up with him, tapped his shoulder and covered his glasses playfully by behind. "Guess who" she whispered.
"Lauren!" Max turned around and hugged her tight "I thought you were going to a friends?"
"I was" shrugged Lauren "But the institute sounds was cooler" Max grabbed her hand and said "Lets go then!"
"Last one there's a rotten egg!" Shouted Lauren, running forward, but it didn't take long for Max to catch up.

 "Lauren!" Max turned around and hugged her tight "I thought you were going to a friends?""I was" shrugged Lauren "But the institute sounds was cooler" Max grabbed her hand and said "Lets go then!""Last one there's a rotten egg!" Shouted Lauren, r...

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They finally made it to the institute, Max letting Lauren win by 'hurting his leg' just when they reached the steps to the institute.
They walked in and Max gave Lauren the tour of a lifetime while introducing her to a few people along the way.
They reached the many bedrooms of the institute, Max saying what one is who's "Alec's, Izzy's, Jace's, Clary's, mine and" they reached an empty room "This one is for you, just in case you need somewhere to stay" he opened the door and stood just outside, letting Lauren look around the room, feeling the soft white pillows she turned around "Thank you. It's a lot nicer than my room at home" Max scratched the back of his neck again smiling before saying "come on, there's someone I want you to meet" he turned to grin at her "I think you'll be great friends"
"Who?" Said Lauren, following him down the hallway, "Just follow me " he smirked.
They stood in front of a bedroom door, Max knocked and turned to Lauren, "She's in here" they heard a gentle "come in" from inside and Max opened the door, letting Lauren in before him "Ladies first" he said.
The room was one big hue of purples, reds and pinks. It was absolutely gorgeous. In the corner, Lauren saw a girl that looked very similar to Max. She had long black hair and hazel brown eyes, she was sat doing her makeup in the mirror. Seeing the two teens, she turned. "Hello Max and? " she gestured Lauren to say her name, "Lauren, my name is Lauren"
"Beautiful! My name is Isabelle, I'm Max's older sister. But you can call me Izzy" she got up from her chair and held Lauren's shoulders

"would you like me to do your makeup, I have the perfect look for your outfit""Uh sure" Lauren noticed Max sneaking out of the door "hey, where are you going?""Well" Max shrugged " I'm not really into this kind of stuff, but after you can come fin...

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"would you like me to do your makeup, I have the perfect look for your outfit"
"Uh sure" Lauren noticed Max sneaking out of the door "hey, where are you going?"
"Well" Max shrugged " I'm not really into this kind of stuff, but after you can come find me and I'll finish the tour" he smiled and Lauren returned the gesture as he slowly shut the door behind him.
"So.." said Izzy, going through her multiple draws of makeup "lets get started shall we?"
"Yeah" Lauren smiled at her in the mirror.

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