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Lauren walked up the uneven stairs of the institute, carrying the rather large dog. The thinks she has made the right decision. She hopes.
Lauren reached her hand out and turned the handle, opening the door expecting to see everyone jumping for joy over the cutest dog ever.
What happened couldn't be further than he expectation.
"What the hell is that!" Jace screeched as he walked into the hall to see who was there. Lauren took a deep breath and patted the dogs head.

This" she said "is a dog- a German shepherd actually""I don't like it" Jace crossed his arms, Lauren sighed, "It's harmless""It's staring at me""Probably because your staring at it""Make it stop staring at me""Look away and it will stop""Fine" aft...

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This" she said "is a dog- a German shepherd actually"
"I don't like it" Jace crossed his arms, Lauren sighed, "It's harmless"
"It's staring at me"
"Probably because your staring at it"
"Make it stop staring at me"
"Look away and it will stop"
"Fine" after once last glance at the dog, Jace turned to Lauren again "what is it doing here?"
"It was alone at the park and it was getting dark so I thought that I would be nice and bring it here"
"You stole it?!"
"No! It came up to me!"
"It doesn't matter if it came up to you, you still stole it! It probably has an owner!"
"The park was empty! No one was there! It hasn't got an owner or a home! It needs somewhere to stay" as if on queue, Abi walked into the hall, Lauren jumped "Abi! Tell Jace I didn't steal a dog" Lauren pointed at Jace while giving Abi a helpless look. But Abi just shrugged and walked straight past the two and towards the kitchen. Lauren could not believe it.

Jace was just staring a Lauren disapprovingly

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Jace was just staring a Lauren disapprovingly. Lauren looked at him "stop it! It's creeping me out!" Jace just turned away.

"Take the dog back and I won't say anything" he said after a while of silence

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"Take the dog back and I won't say anything" he said after a while of silence. Lauren pouted, "But I want to keep the dog"
"You don't even know if it's a boy or a girl! How could you be attached to it already"
"First of all I do not want to be the one to check what gender it is especially if it's a boy and two I am very attached to my dog and if you don't like her or him then I'm going somewhere else!"
"Where?" He raised his eyebrows, "To be honest I don't know! I'm trying to be dramatic, don't ruin by moment!" Lauren heard him laugh before She closed the door, she only walked a few steps before she realised she had forgot the dog. Crap! She silently cursed herself and walked back.
She opened the door to see Jace smirking, "I think you forgot something" he nodded towards the dog. Lauren held her chin up "so what if I did?" And called the dog towards her, she was midway through closing the door when she heard Jace call "Still being dramatic are we?"
"Yes" and she closed the door with a small smile.
Lauren stood outside the door for a while, thinking about where she would go next. Then it clicked, she would go to Magnus' house.

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