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The next day, Alec, Jace, Abi and Lauren all took a mini Field trip to the City of Bones. The two adults were told to stay outside while the parabati bonding ceremony took place.
After an hour pasted, two very happy shadowhunters came walking through the bones doors, with a new spring in their step. "Look!" Lauren showed the two her parabati runs on her collarbone. "Look! I have it too!" Abi showed hers as well. The two girls then caught each others eyes and started laughing "This is way cooler than matching tattoos" said Lauren while Abi was still showing hers of, comparing it to her dads "I think mine and Lauren's are cooler"
"Abi, they're the exact same rune"
"Still cooler"
It was a very long walk back, full of laughing teens and many many screeching of laughter. Also featuring a few iconic eye rolls from the king of sass himself, Alec. Once back in the institute, they all headed to the training room to teach the girls to fight as one. But it seems they did not need the training after all. They moved as one and seemed to read each other's mind to figure out their next move. Jace had to admit, these girls have come a long way.
After finishing up training, Lauren and Abi headed out to takis diner for food. Once they ordered and sat down Lauren decided to speak "Soo" Abi looked away from the window "You and Jonathan then?" Abi's face went a deep shade of scarlet. "What do you mean?" She covered up. Lauren raised her eyebrows "You know what I mean"
"Well I really like him and I know it's kinda awkward because he's your brother so-"
"YAS I totally shipped it...ill talk to him for you"
After that the two had lunch and went on a little shopping spree to celebrate becoming parabati (or as they like to call it: best friends for life)

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