Manabe Jin'ichirou x reader:Your Glasses

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Manabe Jin'ichirou a.k.a Zippy Lermer
(I just found out about his dubbed name because I'm curious when I first looked at his Wikipedia there isn't a dubbed name but when I look earlier I found out that his name is Zippy and hey!I squealed hard because of how cute his name was >_<!!!hell no way I'm not gonna squeal in the cuteness of his name!and I even look at Minaho!and I for one squeal for my life!yeah and I'll shut up now so you can read peacefully and I'll stop my bickering now!)


(F/N)-first name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"oi!matte(wait)!!" you shouted at the orange haired detective who is having you running all around.... 'damn he's so fast,expected for a soccer player' you thought and finally caught up to him
"you orange head you know how I hated running!" you said pointing at him mad

"ok ok I'll let you rest for awhile" Minaho said smiling innocently at you making yourself feel unsure with him...he was an detective after all....
"with that look I know you're not sure with me" he said holding his chin with his index finger with a inspector-look
"maybe....I'm not sure" you said with an innocent look and he patted your head

"don't worry....I would not do anything to my cute and adorable sister" he said....yes,you are Minaho (f/n),Minaho's young sister but you were not use being around him because all you know is that when his or I mean your and his father, before he died he told to Minaho that he have a sister being you and that when he passed away he started searching for you when he turn into first year....when he found you,you did a blood test and it confirmed that he was really your brother....that day was when you come with him and left the one that took care of you when she found you alone in the streets....

"hai hai~....Kazuto-niisan~" you said in a sing a song tone making him smile "good girl~" he said and hold your hand making you follow him in a walking pace ..... 'good thing we're only walking' you thought and sigh in relief....after a while of walking the question that you should ask him finally popped into your head... 'where is he taking me?' you thought asking yourself

"split it (f/n)'re thinking of something" he expected that,much to a detective....
"where are you taking me?" you asked and he look at you while stopping at his tracks "you just notice that now?" he said complimenting to you or teasing
"I wasn't paying attention so I didn't notice" you said
"eh!? never told us you have a girlfriend!?" someone asked.... 'girlfriend!?' you screamed in your mind
"e-eh!?minna(guys) she's not my kanojo!(girlfriend)" he said and smack a guy in the head with brown hair highlights?

"then why are you holding her hand?" A girl with pink hair said "is it bad for siblings to hold hands?" Minaho asked sarcastic
"EH!?YOU HAVE A SISTER!?" they asked in unison and he nodded "never knew you have a sister" a guy with wavy brown hair said

"well...we don't know much about him" a guy with navy hair said 'creepy' you thought and hide behind Minaho...he noticed it and smiled
"and look!he never even told us about that!" a guy with brown guess.....

"I forgot to introduce her" he said and got all of their attention "you know you can just let her introduce herself!" pink-haired said
"she's nervous so I'll do that for her" he said "I never knew you were this kind~" guy with brown and blue highlights said in a teasing tone...Minaho sweatdrop and rolled his eyes....

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