Tsurugi Kouske x reader:Distraction

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Tsurugi Kousuke a.k.a Victor Blade
(dedicated and requested by anonymous!now now people please don't ask who requested this :3

Manabe:I definitely won't kiss her

Minaho: :3


Minaho:on the story!


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"can you leave me alone for a while?"you said to Kirino "sure" he said with a smile and left you...you were that type of girl who would really like to be alone and always alone...because you know if you were with someone you always get distracted...like what Tsurugi is...he was a distraction...whenever he is around you get distracted on your studies or what ever you are doing...but at least not like Kirino and the others...Tsurugi Kousuke,your distraction...it's not because he was annoying but because he caught your heart and you fell for him easily...

"why am I thinking of him again?" you asked to yourself "right he was a distraction and you have a crush on him so shut up now and focus on your studies" you said to yourself...good thing you were alone in the school class room when you told Kirino to leave you alone for a while and he understands that you always get distracted easily...

"sitting on the class room alone again?" someone asked behind you...you look back and saw Tsurugi with a bored look

"what in the world are you doing here?" you said getting distracted already "nothing really...we don't have practice today" he said and you stare at him and you stare back...now this becomes a staring contest...
.5 minutes pass
.10minutes pass
now it hit you that you forgot about your studies and stare back at your book suddenly hearing him saying something you don't get and can't understand...
"can you leave me alone now?" you asked "no" he simply said 'ugh too much distraction!!I can't focus on my studies if he stays here for too long...ok inhale....exhale....inhale....exhale....now focus on your studies and forget that he's there' you thought and concentrate on the book surrounding the room in silence
(Manabe:you like the silence don't you?-_-")


you heard your watch sound off and you pack your things and stood up taking a final glance at the........sleeping Tsurugi? "wow....after staying here in class....you're sleeping?great....you're really cute while sleeping....that's why you're a distraction to me..." you said and went home

'sleeping Tsurugi is really cute...' you thought and smiled at yourself...

-Time Skip to Next Day-(I am really really really really sorry!!!!!please don't hate me!!!!)

"ohayou (l/n)-san!" Tenma greeted and you waved at him "so....how's your Tsurugi?" he said

"huh?my?he's not mine!" you said and he laughed "just kidding!I saw you two alone in the class room while you study and he sleeps..." he said
"oh yeah right....I left him alone" you said "that's really rude senpai!!" he said and you patted his head "like I care about him" you said 'actually I do care for him' you thought
"maa!!let's just go to class!!" he said and the two of you walk side by side to class

-Time Skip brought to you by The Math Wizard Manabe-

Manabe:I'm not a wizard! I'm human!and wizards are not logic!

Minaho:shut up and do your thing

-Back to normal-

after class you were walking well....not alone...because someone keeps on following you to the end

"can you stop it already!?" you shouted and turn around and unexpected....no one was there...only an empty hall way "idiot..." you said and continue walking...after walking so far you can still feel the sensation of one pair of eyes at you...you were walking to the hill of the River Bank

"gaahh!!can you sto-AAHHHH!!" you said and fall off the hill but to your expectations....two arms caught you and you were thinking he was carrying you...in bridal style....great

"so clumsy are you" a low voice said that was actually familiar...you shot open your eyes and blush when you saw Tsurugi carrying you in bridal style
"T-Tsurugi!!" you said flustered while he smirk "Am I really that distracting you that cause you to fall?" he said

"w-what!?" you said "back at the class room...I heard everything that you said" he said and you blush "j-just p-put me d-down" you said and he obeyed when you faced him he crashed his lips on yours making you gasped for air and he took this chance to slid his tongue in your mouth...he broke the kiss and stare at your eyes....

"can I answer your feelings with that?you know I'm not really good at confessing" he said and you wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around your waist...
"tch....too much distraction" you said and he kissed you again and again...

~Extended Ending~

"why am I distracting you anyway?" he asked "because you're cute and adorable" you said and giggle while he looks away trying to hide his blush
"tch....I even made you almost fall off to the hill" he said "that was because I thought someone was following me that I got annoyed and shouted but fall because I was at the edge of the hill" you said
"I'm sorry....for being a distraction" he said and you kissed his cheeks

"as long as it's you" you said and he kissed you in the lips....


(I don't have anything in mind so hope that anonymous enjoyed it!

Manabe:she likes the silence

Minaho:dude what does Tsurugi really looks like when he's asleep?

Tsurugi:shut up

Orison:so see you next time

Manabe:we can't see them Orison-kun....


Tsurugi:write you next time

Orison:sorry if I still haven't update the other request! I'll do it now so I can..........

Manabe:just do it or die

Orison:bye bye


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