Kurama Norihito x reader:Can't resist

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Orison:um... this will be a bit... perverted...


Orison:bulletproof... swaegs...


Minaho:what happened to them?

Manabe:kpop... addiction


Kira:don't judge it or else I'll make you dance an intense one


Orison:get on the story... OR ELSE ILL CALL YOU A JAMLESS KID!!!

Kira:SHUT UP!!!! *destroys everything*


"are you sure you'll be safe?"

was the last thing they said before you left... let's say that your cousins are such a worrywart

"seriously... won't they for once just let me go without being ask if I'll be safe?"

you asked yourself and walk to school

"(F/N)-SAN!!!" Tenma shouted and jumped forward to you making you fall backwards with him

"oi! Tenma! be careful!" Kurama shouted at him after the two of you stood up... no emotions, no blushes, no embarrassment in the face... well that's because you think of Tenma as a brother

"hehe sorry!" he said and scratch the back of his head not noticing that irritated look on Kurama's face from that event

"it's fine!" you said with a smile that made Kurama's irritated look disappear, replace by a blush and was noticed by Tenma who elbowed him and Kurama who glare at him

-Kurama's POV-

we walked towards the entrance of the club room... Tenma was about to open the door when the door flew open... Tenma dodge the incoming figure and suddenly bump on (f/n) causing them to fall down... who the hell?

"KARIYA!!" Kirino shouted with anger...

"Ka-Kariya-san... um... can you get off of me?" (f/n) said... yeah get off before I kill you

"a-ah so sorry!" he stood up and help (f/n) offering his hands and she accepted it... just at this sight of them holding each other's hands hurts

"KARIYA MASAKI!!!" Kirino shouted and Kariya run away

"GET BACK HERE YOU!!" Aoyama shouted and chased Kariya with Kirino... Shindou came out with a sweat drop and sigh

"what happened?" Tenma asked

"oh you know, our beloved prankster targeting our cute Aoyama~" Asaki(OC) said with a weird face

"again?" Tenma asked and we went inside ignoring the shouting in the field...

-Third Person's POV-

"let's go practice!" Tenma shouted pulling Shinsuke and Kurama towards the club

"oi calm down!" Kurama said and Tenma opened the doo-.... yeah... right timing.... "(f/n)?" Trnma asked as he saw her on the couch dozing off with a letter on hand

"what is she doing here?" Kurama asked secretly admiring the adorable face of her sleeping face and hiding that blush... Shinsuke took the letter and scanned it with wide eyes

"guys... someone's trying to confess to-"

"WHAT!?" Kurama asked and snatched the letter reading it very fast with an 'irk' mark twitching in irritation... he heard snickers behind him and found Tenma and Shinsuke laughing at his actions... then he realized what's happening

"i-it's not like I like (f-f/n) or s-somethi-"

"oh please ~ I've been noticing those acts when you're around her~" Tenma teased and Shinsuke elbowed him

"f-fine... I'll let that go... now no telling anyone about this" Kurama said blushing mad while Tenma and Shinsuke are just laughing at him

he look back to you and stare at your sleeping form that he didn't notice that Tenma and Shinsuke already left him alone with her in the room... he just stare... until (f/n) suddenly stirred and opened her eyes getting a blurry sight.... Kurama stiffened as she rubbed her eyes

'she's so adorable and... irrissistable...' Kurama thought

"Kurama?what are you doing here?" (f/n) suddenly spoke breaking Kurama's trail of thoughts

"ah (f/n)... ah s-sorry I was..." he said trying to break the awkwardness... (f/n) laughed at his actions

"that's cute" she said making Kurama blush and look away "ahaha sorry!! it's just that you're so cute" she said making Kurama stare at her in disbelief before suddenly sitting beside her

" ugh... this is a bit weird but um... (f/n)... there's something I want to tell you..." he said nervously

"what is it?" she asked with a confuse face

"I.... ugh... ugh damn you're so irrisistable!" he said and suddenly crashed his lips on yours... your eyes went wide before closing it and kissing back and wrapping your arms around him...he broke the kiss and stayed in his position a bit staring at your eyes

"Kurama... what was that for?" you asked teasing him a bit even thou you know it

"ugh... I...I..." he stuttered and look away with a slight blush

"hm?" you asked

"I... I like you... no... I... love you and... and you're just so... irrisistable..." he confessed

"heeh... love you too~" you said and peck his lips one more time



Kira:who are we?we will swallow you with no fear!

Orison&Kira:coz we got fire fire fire get higher higher higher!!! *dancing like idiots and dancing Rap Mon's step(you know that hand and if you don't know then leave me alone)*

Manabe:I wanna ask.. who the hell possessed you both?

Minaho: I don't know them anymore

Kira: it's none of your business coz you got no jams


Manabe:BYE NOW DAMN IT!!!!

Orison:oh sorry if something's weird with this part cuz I'm only using computer guys T_T

Kira:her tab has a bit problem

Orison:I HATE THIS!!!!!!!

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