Suzuno Fuusuke x reader:Calm Confession

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Suzuno Fuusuke a.k.a Bryce Withingale
(dedicated to XenXen1009 !!!!

Manabe:enjoy the story!

Orison:JOY KILLER!!!!(killer joy?)



(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color



"SHUT UP WILL YOU!?" the red headed tulip said " should be the one to shut up" the cool headed Mrs.Over all so annoying and pain in the but-ler said and the green headed ice cream designed hair sighed

"not again" the red haired guy said "they're arguing again" Reina said and and you passed by them ignoring them and walk to your room and lie in bed

"Nagumo-san and Suzuno-kun are fighting again" you murmured and closed your eyes before thinking of the cool headed Mrs.Over all annoying and pain in the but-ler and went to sleep

-Time skipped brought to you by nothing-

yo wake u due to the numerous times of knocking on your door and you stand up and opened it and got face off to Suzuno and you jumped back "c-captain!" you said and he scoff "practice will start" he said and left before you do

-Time skipped again(coz em very lazy)-

"ok!break!" the manager said and you took your bottle "that's all for today's practice!" Suzuno said and you walk to the orphanage before sitting on the swing you always visited and the place where the two of you met..


"what are you doing here?" a white haired and teal eyes said looking at you who is sitting on the swing "nothing" you said and he sighed before offering his hand and you look at it

"well don't just sit there and look at my hand c'mon" he said and you tilt your head before taking his offer and he pulled you along inside the orphanage and he introduced you to all of them...

"a-arigatou...Suzuno-kun" you said and he smiled at you "no probs...I jus felt like I don't like it when you're alone" he said and you blushed before smiling at him

-Flashback Ends-

"of all people...whys is it m that he help?" you asked your self and swing a bit looking on the ground "eeven if he did that...nothing will change my life" you said and a tear escape your eye before you stand up and walk around without asking permission

-Suzuno's POV-

she walked away...tch...

"you know should just confess to her calmly like you always did" Nagumo said not knocking on the door and just coming inside

"next time can you knock?" I said and he shrugs "and...I just can't" I said and he sighed again "if you don't she'll probably go away from here" he said and my eyes widen

"she thinks like...nothing will change her life even if she makes friends but...the truth...she did change...she become more active and cheerful" I said and he patted my shoulder "you just need to feel her and confess so she won't think of herself as useless" he said and I nodded

-Time skipped-

I didn't see her around...where is she?she haven't been around since practice...what's happening?

" must be worrying of her" Hiroto said and I look at him with worry in my eyes and he smiled "why not go and search for her?" he said and I nodded before asking permission to Hitomiko-san before going out

where could she be?why is she still not home?is she ok?what is she doing? many questions came my mind but I shrug it and search for her...

-Time Skipped-

-Your POV-

walking walking walking walking walking (Manabe:spammer -_-") and walking...that's all I'm doing...walking while humming a random tune while it's raining...hard...which suits my mood today...I look at the grey sky and closed my eyes before walking to the River Bank...good thing no one remembers me going out...even if they do they'll just let me go and leave what happened when my parents left me...

"I wonder where they are" I said as I keep walking and humming in the rain when suddenly...I felt a pair of arms around me...KIDNAPPER!!??...holy crap!...

"(F/n)...." the guy said and from that time I know who it was...

Suzuno Fuusuke...

I blushed when he buried his head on the crock of my long time crush is hugging me from behind!! w-what is he doing!?

"S-Suzuno....." I said and he turn me around and look at me in the eyes...his eyes...shows worry...sadness...and... care... what is happening!?

"next time!don't ever leave the orphanage without my permission or Hitomimiko-san's permission!" he said and hugged me even if I'm wet and he is too...he's...worried about me?

-Third Person POV-

"you made me worried!" he said and your eyes widen "I....I'm so sorry....I....I didn't mean to leave the orphanage" you said and look away and he sighed

"next time if you leave take me with you is that understood?" he said and you nodded before he lifted your chin with his one hand forcing you to look at him eye in eye and you blushed at the closeness of your face that is was just inches away!

"don't even think that you're alone or left...because I'm always here" he said in a calm tone as always smiling at you and you blushed "Suzuno-kun........" you said and he did an close eye smile (my mind!it's explodin!)

"don't worry...because someone loves you here more than a friend" he said and you blushed when he leans in your ear "and that's me" he said and your eyes widen when he kissed you passionately before he pulled back

"I love you" he said calmly like it was really easy but in the inside he was blushing like hell "Suzuno.......I....I love you too" you said and smiled before he sealed your lips with his again..

he wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer and you wrapped your arms around his neck deepening the kiss by your own and he lick your your bottom lip asking for entrance and you slightly opened them and he slid his tongue inside swirling with yours and traveling every inch before he pulls away and hugged you and you snuggle on his chest

"I love you,(F/n)" he said and you smiled inhaling his scent "I love you too...Fuusuke" you said and he smiled at when you mentioned his first name before kissing your forehead

~Extended Ending~

"they'll be both sick after this" green ice creamed hair said as he watch "you bet they will" red tulip head said while blue headed girl is taking picture

"kawaii~" she said and Hiroto(I can't describe his hair dude -.-) smiled

"congrats for them" he said


Orison:dude....French/wet kiss never gets old to me

Manabe:*shivers* s-stop that....

Orison:dude I'm not saying I'll do that geez it's too.....ewwwwww(I'm sounding like a spoiled brat but seriously em not a spoiled brat!)

Minaho:too romantic I guess

Orison:next time I'll write Russian kiss


Suzuno:good luck to the people who will experience that


Orison:I'll do a voting


Orison:dude I'll just try it once


Orison:-_-" well we'll be going now!


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