Ichino Nanasuke x reader:Doodle

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Ichino Nanasuke a.k.a Hugues Baudet
(dedicated to kishibe941 )

Orison:this took long... SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!!!

Manabe: school trash problems

Minaho:you call that 'trash' when you're such a genius in school?

Manabe:it's not my fault to be good at it....

Orison:shut up and let My Lovely Kira to tell the story damn it

Kira:*clears throat* now let's start the story

(I won't put the short cuts anymore but if there is any new short cut I will put it here ok?)



"(f/n)... seriously... stop doing that" Ichino said as he sighed as he notice you were never going to stop doing this kind of habit...

"and then again... you failed... for god knows how many times you tried" Aoyama said as he rubbed his forehead in frustration

"I definitely won't believe that she's your sister" Ichino said as he sat across you from the table... and again you ignored all of them and keep doing what you started... your face was so serious that you look like an old woman scolding her grandchild from doing anything bad...

"please (f/n) for once stop this thing" Aoyama said worried about you

"no" you simply said and grab that small phone near your lamp and put your pencil down for a minute before grabbing it again and putting your hone down

"seriously?" Ichino said with a crying Aoyama... well who wouldn't when your big brother can't even control his little sister's attitude? who knows, someone might compliment him as a hopeless brother... well not the guy with him that you admire most... well... he's here with your brother trying to force you out of your room like what your brother request him... well... ask to help him but...it didn't do a thing...

"fine tomorrow expect your sketchpad gone" Aoyama said and rushed out of your room

"wait Aoyama!!" Ichino said and rush out to comfort his friend

"finally peace" you said and continued your sketching...

-Next day-

"morning Ichino-san... Shindou-san..." you greeted as you saw the two boys... but of course you were walking side by side with your brother...

"yo (f/n)-chan and Aoyama" Shindou said and smiled at the two of you... Ichino smiled at both of you... but you felt like you were the one he was staring at... you looks away to hide that tiny blush on your face...

"ohayou!" Tenma said as he run towards your group

"let's go practice!" Shinsuke said and all of you nodded and went to the field... you sat on the bench and took out your sketchpad while the others started practicing... but the only one that catches your attention was him.... Ichino Nanasuke... you do have a crush on him after all... you started doodling until the bell rings...

-Time skipped-

"bye!" you said as you run out of the room and went to Aoyama

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