Afuro Terumi(cat ver.)

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Request from SakuraKunoichi

Ori:hello to all people and aliens in wattpad!!


Orison:so I did this first since I love cats meaning the reader will be a cat here... But can turn into human...


It was a very calming day, not hot, not cold either but very much a normal temperature.

A certain long blond haired god rolled on the bed.

He groans(dirty minded readers damn it), his hands searching for presense beside him but instead he feels emptiness.

He peek one eye open.

"F/N?" he softly called, sitting up on the bed while fixing his hair.

He was about to get out of bed when he notice a little bump under the covers.

He tilted his head, before carefully lifting the covers.

There you sat in your cat form, purring and licking your tiny paws. He stare at you for a little bit before lifting you up.

You were small, your size was just the enough to fit in both his hands.

"Purrrr~" you purred, almost rolling if it wasn't for him holding you

"F/N, you know I can't stand how cute you are when you're like this."

He patted your head, you purred, he carried you carefully, like you were something so fragile that you can break easily.

"When did you turn into a cat anyway?" even if it was rare to see a human turning into a cat, he love you for who you are.

He place you on the coffee counter, heading to make some breakfast.

Until someone ring the door bell.

Well crap.

He stares at the door before it rang again and his eyes turn to you in a second before heading towards the door.

"Seriously, what took you so long?"

"Sorry Nagumo-kun..." he went back inti the kitchen, panicking when he didn't saw you on the counter, until he heared Suzuno.

"You didn't told us have a cat here!"

Oh shit.

He ran to the living room, the sight of Suzuno hugging you makes him feel uneasy. He does knows that you were a cat and you are definitely not in the right mind but he can't help but feel jealous.

"Oh right sorry."

"Eh, where's F/N?"

"Um, she went to grocery early." he lied. Well, he can't just say that his girlfriend turned into a cat and God knows when she'll turn back, who would believe that?

After a few minutes of watching you and Suzuno playing and Nagumo whining, they left, leaving you on the couch searching for warmth.

He carried you to his chest, walking to the kitchen and placed you on the counter again.

"Stay there, ok?"


He couldn't help but smile at you, before continuing on making some coffee.

"Meowwww~" you crawled towards the sink, licking some left over coffee from a cup last night.

"You want one?" he asked before making some for you.

He doesn't know if you'll like it but since he saw you continue licking thr coffee, he made some anyway.

He placed the cup in front of you and you started licking it slowly, the hot water hurting your sensitive tongue.

He smile at the sight of you, before picking you up in both his hands after yoh finishied.

"You're too cute." he said.

You wriggled, before licking his fingers. He chuckled.

He sloely leaned, pecking your small forehead.

At the exact time you turned back into human, the weight shocking him as he holds your waist, keeping you from falling.

"Afuroooo~" he shivered, your arms abd legs wrapped around him as he keeps you up.

"F/N, when did you turn into a cat?"

"Last night?"

He sighed, carrying back into the room while having to suffer whenever you purred into his neck, sending him shivers.

"You want attention, do you?"

You nodded.

You gasped when he climb on top of you on the bed with a small smirk.

He leaned to your ear, his hot breathed making you skip a beat and breathe uneven.

"Maybe I can give you all my attention now."


Ori:I am very sorry if this isn't what you expected.

Kira:she didn't mention to make it into a lemon soooo...

Manabe:but anyway at least we updated

Minaho:that was adorable

Ori:oh and I have a book with Happy_Virus1311 about Magi Jafar

Jafar:they'll torture me

Ori:oh shut up. We just updated the into but we'll finish the first chap

Kira:that's all for now



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