Okita Souji x reader (AU;LEMON)

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Request for SuzunaKagayaku

I don't know if you still remember this request but meh... also sorry for not updating, this lemon must make it up to you though.

If you're wondering why I'm not doing a dialogue thingy here is because I'm lazy now let's get into the story.

Also I didn't know how to start this shit so I hurried it to "that" part... enjoy this pure torture


"Okita, look I'm tired of this... can we just stop?... I meant... let's break up..." he looked at you, eyes confused until his face shows an serious expression.

" Y/N, please let me explain."

" No, we're done-" his arms pulled you in a tight hug, his face buried on your neck as the force pushed you back on the bed, where you were currently talking to him.

Not a good place either.

" O-Okita!" you yelp when you felt him nibble on the delicate skin of your neck. His teeth graze on your soft skin, his tongue licking it lightly to tease you.

" I'm not going to allow you to break up with me." (Holy shit is dis daddy kink?) he whispered in your ear huskily, his hot breathe hitting your neck and you shivered, you felt his hands on both sides of your hips, caressing and slightly lifting the top of your shirt.

" O-Okita... stop please..." you whimpered, while he bit and suck on the skin of your neck, creating a dark hickey .

" You're me to stop, but I don't think your body wants to." he smirked lightly when your face flushed red. " I'm going to make you scream my name, beg, and explore different places inside you." he whispered in your ear, before lifting your shirt and throwing it away, the cold air made you cover yourself, but with Okita's grip on you, he pinned your hands above your head and started sucking on your collarbone.

" Ngh..." you whimpered, before you felt your bra loosen.

How did he even manage to clasp it off? Without you feeling it?

His tongue glide over the skin of your cleavage, they nibbling on the skin of your right breast, the other one is groped by his hands which are slowly massaging it. Moans escaped your mouth. He rolled your nipple with his tongue, causing you to yelp. He exchange places, doing the same thing to the other. He took his shirt off, showing you a body you never thought you'd see.

" Like what you see?" he smirked, before his hands glide over your stomach, then to your inner thighs.

" O-Okita..." you moaned, his hands were rubbing your cloth womanhood, before you notice the dent on his pants. Your mind think of things before your hands automatically wrapped themselves around his crotch. He grunted, before grinding his hips on your hand.

" Shit, Y/N do something." he grunted before pushing you, pulling his pants and boxers down to reveal his hard dick before kneeling, pulling you up and made you face his manhood. You, being the inexperienced you are, hesitantly licked the tip of his dick, but then put the half in your mouth when you heard some satisfying moans from him. " Ah... Y/N... you're doing so good." he face fuck you, making you deep throat him before his dick twitched and his semen flowed without a warning. Some went out of your lips, forming like a drool and the rest, you swallowed.

Suddenly he pushed you on the bed then made you on your knees, his hands gripping your ass cheeks.

He separated them, your hole appeared. You shivered when his breath hit your hole, before moaning like a mess when his tongue made contact and started sucking, white sticky fluid slowly dripping and his tongue skillfully entered you, discovering and invading new territories.

" Ah, ah, ah, aahhh... ahhh... a-ahhh-AH!" you almost screamed when his tongue hit a certain spot, pushing you to your peak and your fluids finally exploded.

" You taste so good." he breath, his tongue still gliding over your hole. He went behind you, still on your knees before he wrapped your legs around his waist, making your upper body fall with your ass up, his member's tip gliding over your hole.

" O-Okita... p-please..." you moaned when he started teasing you, his other hands tracing your clit in front before sliding a finger in then a second and third one. " A-Ahhhhhhhh... O-Okita...."

" Please what princess? Please stop? Please push inside me?" he teased, pumping his fingers slowly. " Call me daddy, princess."

" Please fuck me senseless daddy! Fuck me so hard, rough, and fast! Fuck so many times I won't be able to walk for many da- AHHHH!! A-AAHHH!" you moaned, or screamed, when he suddenly slam his member on your hole. He didn't let you adjust and started pounding on you.

" I'm going to make you beg for more, sweetheart." he grunted, pushing in and pulling his member out only to push it in so fast and rough.

" Aahhhh... aaahhhh... more...Daddy... you feel so..."

" You feel so good inside sweetheart." he grunted, before slamming his member on you when you started screaming. He knew he hit that spot and started ramming in it.

" Oh! Ah! Ah! Daddyyy! I-I'm cumming!"

" Do it, cum around my dick sweetheart." his dirty talk made you reach your peak, your warm fluid surrounding his member before he release his own inside of you. His fluid were too much that some dripped. He made you face him, before he rammed his dick inside you again, on the front now.

" AAHH! D-DADDY!" you screamed as he pound in you, before pulling your legs over his shoulder and his fingers tracing your clit and spreading it open for more. " YOU FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD DADDY!" your words made him smirk, his pounding paces up and his member twitch before releasing again, along with you.

" You're not going to leave... I won't let you leave..." he muttered, before wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you on his lap as he sat, before whispering.

" We're not done yet though."


Fuck me...

you know what I'm doing now?

killing myself


forgive my typos... I'm too lazy...

should I add more smutty details? or nah?

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