Husband!Gouenji Shuuya x Wife!Reader

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Orison: I'm holy now

Kira:oh really? *still reading bible* welp, I ain't stopping until I finish all these pages

Sugawara: ^^"

Orison:oh btw Suga-chan, from Haikyū, will be a regular here now since... well... *looks at Kira* erm... it's kinda private... oh let's get to the story!... oh...

and I suck at fluff... sorry...


You park in the car driveway, pulling out a few keys from your bag then getting out of the car. You opened the door, taking your coat off and putting your bag on the table in the middle of the living room.

You fell on the couch.

" Ugh... finally..." you muttered, heaving a deep sigh and rolling to face the television. You pulled the blankets on the couch to your shoulder, before falling into a deep sleep.

But not without reminiscing the past you've been through.

It made you smile after a long and stressing day at work.

The memory flashed in your eyes, the image of you meeting him, spending your unexpectedly wonderful moments with him, the 2years friendship you have before you both fell in love. It made you laugh how much a cat you were. The image of you trying to confess but failed, the same with him trying to impress you.

But never did the memory of the hard and tough times you went through is forgotten.

You sighed at the image of you and him, arguing because of soccer and how many times he almost quit. The times you two get into arguments and a few fights, but those were always solved.

" Everything changed... after that..."

You remember how he confessed to you, he was such a blushing mess, making weird gestures. It was unexpected, that he was going to act like that while confessing to you, while there you are staring at him with a smile, giggling at his flustered state before placing a sweet kiss on his cheeks causing him to explode in embarrassment. He was so inexperience.

You remember every dates, every moments, every argues, every sad moments, every moment that your relationship almost snap if it wasn't for him begging you to stay, every day that you'll wake up with him beside you, and every time he said those three words that means the world to you, 'I love you'.

Then until to the moment he proposed after you both graduate.

He took a job, did his everything to make a living by moving in with you, bought a house for both of you, and never fails to show his attention and affection to you. You also found a job, though it was hard since you both neither have the time to spend a day together, except for the few day offs and breaks you both get.

You were so deep in your thoughts that you didn't noticed the door opening, revealing your husband.

He was also tired and worn out.

But the moment he found you on the couch, staring at the ceiling. He chuckled, he knew what was in your mind. He walk towards the couch you were on, crouching and pushing a strand of hair from your hair, this action surprised you.

" G-Gouenji!"

" Hey, I'm home." he kissed your cheeks,his hand gently caressing your hand and the other stroking your hair. " What were you thinking?"

A smile made its way up your lips.

" About us... just... reminiscing..." you sighed, a content smile on your lips, sitting up and stretching your muscles. He sat beside you, wrapping an arm around your waist and resting his chin on top of your head.

" That's the sixth times this week." he chuckled.

" Sorry, I couldn't help it." you giggled, his scent was addiction itself, you bury your face on his chest. You then yawned.

He chuckled, kissing your forehead, carrying you upstairs and not minding to change. He lie beside you, hugging you close as usual and taking in your vanilla shampoo scent. Oh, this was the relaxation he was searching for. He then remembered the topic of his workers earlier.

" Y/N?"

" Yeah?"

" Do you... want to have a child?" your eyes widen at his question. Did you even heard him right?

" What?"

" Do you want to have a child? I knew how lonely you feel whenever I have work and you don't, and I sometimes imagine one or two little Y/N's or Gouenji's running around the house... that'll be fun." he smiled.

Oh how you couldn't resist that smile.

" Well... I've been thinking... yeah... but... c-can we have that in another time?" your face absorbed the heat, turning your face red. He chuckled, pecking you on the lips.

" Of course, I know how we're both tired." you nodded, resting your head on his chest.

" Love you Y/N, thank you for keeping up with me and loving me." he muttered.

" Love you too Gouenji, thank you for being there for me and making me smile."

And then you both fell in a deep sleep.


Orison: I did my best to make it a fluff one

Kira: good job there... oh also, anyone reads Haikyu fanfics? please do follow this goofball Happy_Virus1311

Orison:he just started to write a Haikyū x reader book...

oh well that'll be all! until next time! oh also I didn't check for typos

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