Kazemaru Ichirouta

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Request for @nightsky_starlight


Manabe:you look happy for the first time in months

Orison:excuse me? I was happy just yesterday?

Manabe:-_- because you saw BTS that's why... that's not actually happiness...

Orison:actually, no but it's layfeu, now on the story!!


"Look, Kazemaru-san is looking at you again." you look behind you, catching a glimpse of those brown eyes of a certain blue haired soccer player, before he turns his gaze on somewhere, not realizing that his blush is on everywhere on his face. You chuckled, turning back to your own work.

"I don't mind. He's adorable."

"But a scaredy cat." your friend said and you nodded. You have to admit, he's a bit shy whenever he talks to you, and you found it very cute in a guy. Or maybe in him.

"Yeah, but I have to say, I like that in him."

"Don't you think you need a guy who is more confident? To protect you?" you laughed stealing a glance at Kazemaru.

"You know, I don't care."

"But you have to! I mean, if a guy's not confident enough to protect you--"

"I know I know nag nag nag I don't care. He looks like a sweet cupcake." you said, a light blush on your face appearing.


"I said he's like a sweet cupcake. I don't need a guy who is so confident you know. I don't like guys who are like 'I'm your night in shining armor' or the typical guy who is 'c'mon man fight me!' when a group of boys come to me. I'd rather choose a timid and sugar guy than that."

"You know, you're too mature. YOU WANT A GUY WHO YOU WILL TAKE CARE OF!!"

"SSSHHHHH!!" you said shoving a paper from your notebook in her mouth. She throw the paper away glaring at you.

"Paper doesn't taste good for your information."

"I know so stop talking about my idea, type of guy and Kazemaru. You're too noisy, now help me study!"

~Time skip~

"Ok who's up for a walk after school!?" Aki said, a few raise their hands and few didn't, including you. You glance at Kazemaru. He wasn't raising his hands either.

"Kazemaru? Are you ok?? Endou asked and he smiled. You blush, finding it cute when he smiles.

"Yeah, but I can't come with you guys. I have other things." he said.

"Oh ok then! Let's go!" Endou said and walk out of the classroom with the rest. You stood up from you desk, last, as you took time to put all your things inside your bag. You walk out of the corridor, arriving at the soccer field when you saw Kazemaru, sitting on the ground while looking at the sky. You smiled, finding his figure so adorable.

"F/N?" he called and you blush.

"A-ahahaha y-yah K-Kazemaru!? S-sorry if I-I disturb you!" you stuttered, making weird hand gestures. He smiled shyly at you. God that eye smile.

"I-it's fine... I don't mind if it's you." he said before looking at his hands again.

"Um, mind if I join you there?"

"U-u-u-m-u-um s-ss-s-sure!! Ahaha i-i-it's f-fine!" he said, a bright blush on his cheeks, waving his hands in nervousness. You chuckled, taking a seat beside him.

"You're so adorable." you said before you realized and covered your mouth. He stares at you, wide eyed. "I... IM MEAN!! I-I WAS JUST SYAING BECAUSE I-... ugh..."

"You think I'm adorable?"

"Y-yeah. I noticed you were always looking at me." this time, it's him blushing.

"I-I'm so sorry! Did I make you uncomfortable!?"

"No, not at all. That was cute of you. It's obvious how you feel towards me." you said smiling at him and his smile drop and turn into a thin line. He scratch his nape, embarrassed.

"So, I made it so obvious." he whispered.

"But don't worry about that too much. I like you too."

"I mean, it's creepy when you found someone staring at you and making it obvious that I like you-- wait... did you just--"

"You're so cute." you said, before brushing your lips on his and running your hand in his hair.

"F-F/N?" he asked, cheeks red from the previous actions.

"I like you too." you said resting your arms around his shoulders. He stares at you before breaking into a grin which you chuckle at. He lean towards you and brush his lips on your again but a bit hard that you almost fell, making a childish kiss.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too."



Manabe:because you're so stupid

Orison:pardon? Kira, may I borrow you guitar for a while? I'll repair it if I destroyed it.

Kira:Jisoos christ (Sorry for that)



Orison:let's end is part! TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY!! I'll go back to my other account since I said that I will update today to my readers there.

Manabe:NOW LEAVE!!



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