Hakuryuu x reader:Pick Up Battle

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Hakuryuu a.k.a Bailong
(requested and dedicated to Always_Shan and this time!I have the right name so no objections!

Manabe:no kissing!

Minaho:it isn't illegal Manabe-kun....

Manabe:no kissing for me!

Orison:we're not forcing you ok?

Minaho:-_-" seriously...he's insane....

Orison:well let's go in the story!


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color

W/N:A bit major OOCness...


'are you a bullet? because you shot me in the heart'

Friday at God Eden(????)...the day when Shuu decided a Pick Up Battle for all of us...

"Shuu....why does it have to be Pick up Battle?" you asked the guy who has a sheep in his arms "because I found it way fun than just sitting around like a statue" he said with a smile
"seriously...you called yourself a statue and you're still smiling?" you said with a sweatdrop...

"he's insane" Kai said while smiling nervously "you just notice that now?" you said "not much" Kai said and sat besides you...yup you are one of the Ancient Dark who tried to destroy soccer with team Zero and in some ways you have a crush on their captain,Hakuryuu,you never knew what his full name is (don't lie that you haven't imagine that)

'are you electricity?because whenever you touch me you electrify me'

"man it's so hard to think of a plan" Kai said and held his head while thinking of a pick up "it's easy Kai" Shuu said and keep writing on his paper while you just think of it like it was nothing
"I have six" you said and they jaw dropped "EH!?ALREADY!?" Kai said and Shuu smiled "good luck on pick up battles if you're choosen" he said and you nodded

-Time Skip-(please don't hate me)

you were participating in the game like what Shuu said but just like the rules,girls will go first as the one who would say why because boys have to entertain them...

"hey...you need to confess to him while doing this" Shuu said and you sighed "so this is one of your plans" you said and he nodded
"ok first to be center is (f/n)-kun" he said and you stood up in front "Kai vs Hakuryuu" he said 'what!?why did you do that for captain!?' you thought shock and they stood side by side and you're between them....

"ok first will be Kai" Shuu said

"are you a beer?" he said "why?" you said following how it is done "because whenever I see you I always get dizzy" he said and you giggle

"next is Hakuryuu" Shuu said

"are you smart?" he asked "why?" "because you will know what time to say 'I love you'" he said and smirk when he saw you blush... 'oh god Shuu you're doing this on purpose'
"are you the sun?" Kai asked "why?" "because you shine brighter than the stars" he said and you smiled

"two more rounds" Shuu said "are you the rainbow?" Kai asked "why?" "because you put color in my world" he said
"ok last one Hakuryuu" Shuu said
"are you a robber?" he said "why?" "because you stole my heart" he said 'oh my god I swear if that's true I would die!' you thought....

"ok next one!" Shuu said and you stood still since you are the one who would say why

-Time Skip-(I lack of ideas in Pick Up battles)

"see you tomorrow" Shuu said leaving you with Hakuryuu on the ground "nice try Hakuryuu" you said "well I know Shuu will do that on purpose so I did my best to think of a good one" he said
"what?" you said "because I love you" he said and kiss you but not long making you shock

"do you eat strawberry?" he asked "why?" you said "because you taste like one" he said and you blush..then a plan pop in your head

"are you a tower?" you asked "why?" he said "because I fell for you!" you said aloud and kiss him making him shock but kissed back...you wrapped your arms around his neck and his around your waist...he lick your lips asking for entrance and you parted your lips carefully and he slid his tongue in your mouth,swirling around with your tongue...

"didn't see that coming" Shuu said and Kai took a picture and you two broke the kiss while blushing furiously

"better show this to Tenma and the others" Kai said and Shuu nodded

"I THOUGHT YOU ALREADY LEFT!!" you shouted at them "we change our minds when we heard you shouted a pick up line" Shuu said and Kai nodded with a smile
"ah so cute~" Kai teased and they walked away or maybe run away "now this is true!bye!" Shuu said and they disappeared
"those idiots" you said and Hakuryuu hugged you

"I love you (f/n)-kun" he said "I love you too"

~Extended Ending~

"let's do this again!" Shuu said and Kai nodded while you just stare at your books when you felt two arms wrapped around your waist...


"another photo to show" Kai said and you throw the book on his face "facebooked" Shuu said with a thumbs up and Hakuryuu give ten points for you
"still not stoping me from showing this!" Kai said and now you were chasing him "he's getting to be facebooked" Shuu said and Hakuryuu shrugged....



Manabe:nice lines there

Minaho:you just saw that on TV!!

Orison:like I care!


Orison:until next time!


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