Nagumo Haruya x reader:My one and Only

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Nagumo Haruya(Burn) a.k.a Claude Beacons(Torch)
(ok this is dedicated to my one and only beloved best friend in the whole world even though she can be annoying sometimes but well I'm annoying...dedicated to my best friend penymaxine ...enjoy it!...this is a bit perverted anyway! hehe so I'll shut up and go to the details!...oh and his name Beacons makes me hungry)


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"please~come with us in the festival~" Reina pleaded with puppy eyes "why do you want me to come again?" you asked "because I want you to enjoy your life!not like staring at the ceiling all day!you'll never know what's waiting for you in the outside world!" she said cheerfully

"fine but....only this time" you said and she jumped around doing her victory dance "oh right who's coming with us?" you asked
"Hiroto,Midorikawa,Suzuno,and Nagumo~" she said..... 'wait!Nagumo is coming too!?what in the world of-'

"dogs!" Suzuno shouted at the birds that flew away when he shouted

"what the hell!?" Nagumo yelled at him with an annoyed tone "can you please shut up!" Nagumo said and they started to do a staring contest
"they're always like this aren't they" Hiroto said in an bored tone while thetwo keeps bickering at each other...

finally one of us snapped and got one wants to irritate the green ice cream head reader...

"WILL THE BOTH OF YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!?IT IS GETTING IRRITATING THAN THE STUPID BIRDS!!" Midorikawa shouted or maybe yelled at them making the whole world ,as in whole world, go gaga and frighten the universe...finally,the two shut up and green head finally got his calm and got back to his book and read peacefully....

"surely we don't want to destroy his peace" Hiroto said with a sweatdrop... "yeah...we don't want the whole universe to disappear and go boom" Reina said and scratch the back of her head in an awkward sighed and walk ahead of them....
"I'll leave now...I still have something to deal with the mohawk" you said and ran to Raimons field and reading to kick the ball to the mohawks face...and then kaboom!


"goal" you said and run away "hey get back here brat!" Fudou said and chase after you but didn't reach you because you were already out of sight and left them straight to Sun Garden....the orphanage since you were abandoned by your parents....

"oh looks who's back" Nagumo said with a smirk... "shut up tulip head" you said and headed to your room
"oh hey (f/n)-chan...we're almost going to leave why are you still going to your room?" Reina asked "no reasons!" you shouted since you were already at the stairs and run back to them

"well let's go!" Reina said and pulled Hirot and Midorikawa out of the house while Nagumo,you,and Suzuno catch up with them...
"they're so childish" Suzuno said while running "I expected that much from them!" you said

-Time Skip-

"'s so crowded!" Reina said in a cheering voice "what's so 'wow' is a crowded place?" Nagumo said sarcastic "I wanna go home" Midorikawa said but Reina pulled him with Hiroto in the crowded
"guess we can't do anything" you said and followed them

you were walking between Nagumo and Suzuno while the three are ahead of you... "nee,want to see the park?" Suzuno asked you
"uh sure" you said and look at Nagumo "you wanna come?" you asked him "go ahead I have something to do" he said and walked away
"he's acting weird think something's wrong with him?" Suzuno asked you and you shook your head "them let's go eavesdropping on him!" he said which made you smirk
"let's go for the kill~" you said like a psychopath

-Time Skip-

"there he is" Suzuno whispered and you hide behind a bush looking at Nagumo 'for some reasons I felt like my heart keeps skipping a beat or thousands' you thought and blushed
"you should really confess before that ugly girl take him as hers" Suzuno said and pointed at the girl who is coming near to Nagumo with a wide smile
"tch....I'll deal with that girl later" you said and glare at the girl " do have a crush on him,remember I'll kill the girl if Nagumo accepts her confession...I'm here to cover you up"nhe said and you nodded

"um Nagumo-sama" the girl said "how dare her call him with -sama" you said "I'll definitely kill her even if he didn't accept her confession" Suzuno said
"why did you call me again?" Nagumo said with a sweet smile "the hell Nagumo!" Suzuno whisper-scream

"um I have something to tell'll be honest because I just found out about it when you're always with (f/n)-chan" she said and blushed looking away
"grrrrrr....definitely gonna buy a shotgun or a sniper at the weaponry shop" you said mad while Suzuno nodded,then the girl whispered something to Nagumo that he blushed
"r-really?" he asked and the girl nodded "well thanks about that" he said and smile a wide smile and ruffled her head

"grrrrrrrr...ah I can't take this anymore!" you shouted and stood up mad then realized that you said it out loud making Suzuno pull you down
"hush!" he said "what in the world are you two doing there?" someone said that was actually Nagumo "yohahaha...ha hello Nagumo-kun ha....ha...ha..." Suzuno nervously said while you sweatdrop...

"are you two...eavesdropping on me?" he asked and the both of you stood up and runaway

"w-wait (f/n)-kun!" Suzuno called but you ignore it "aw look!now you made her angry!" Suzuno said to Nagumo and smack him in the head
"what did I do!?" he asked "you don't know she had a crush on you and now she's jealo-nothing!I said nothing!" he said while slapping his mouth to prevent more words that are coming out
"what?" Nagumo said and run after you

"now this is my fault" Suzuno said and facepalm....

-Your P.O.V-

he....urrr what ever!!...I keep running until I reached the soccer grounds

-Third Person P.O.V-

"damn that stupid baka" you said and someone put a hand on you shoulder...
"(f-f/n) let me explain" Nagumo said
"'s already clear that you accepted her confession" you said and look away but he turn you around and kissed you...

'N-Nagumo!' you thought shock of what he did and he pulled away

"N-Nagumo-kun...." you said and he hugged you "there's no way I'll exchange you to somebody else" he said and you blushed hugging back
" one and only" you said and he pulled away looking straight in your (e/c) orbs "why do you think she's confessing anyway?she was the one who told me that you have a crush on me" he said

"w-what!?" you said shock "she said that she notice that you keep blushing and I asked her if she can check if something's wrong with you...she called me last night and told me she already figured out what is with you" he said and smirked...
"so now you know...and why are you jealous anyway?" he teased and you blushed looking away

"I love you too one and only" he said and kissed you again and you kissed back...he lick your bottom lips and you parted your lips slightly and he enters his tongue in your mouth swirling with yours....

~Extended Ending~

"oh I see....I thought you confess to her" Suzuno said to the girl "I don't have a crush on him I already have a boyfriend" she said and walked away
" time for buying (f/n)-kun a sniper to shot that girl in the head" he said and went to the weaponry shop


(do ya love it my best friend?if you don't....magpakamatay ka na!....if you like it....mamamatay ako sa saya!



Fubuki:I didn't get what you said

Kirino:well.......I don't care about that

Nagumo:Suzuno will kill the girl....

att-chan:well next time I'll kill her!


Manabe:in the name of math I hate this!

Minaho:shut up!!

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