Matsukaze Tenma x reader:Puppy Love

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Matsukaze Tenma a.k.a Arion Sherwind
(dedicated to AnillaGarcia !!

Tenma:me again?

Manabe:captain it's you...

Minaho:goodie luck!

Tenma:yeah...I hope I survive this torture

Manabe&Minaho:we know the feels dude

Orison:-_-" on the story please


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"uuggghhhh....this is hard!" you said as you fall down and lean on the wall "seriously...why do I have to take care of some stupid dogs?" you said as you watch the little puppy in front of you eat

"why me?" you said and stand up before stretching your back and going to the living room before getting a greetings from a K-9 running around the room

"CURSE THIS FREAKING DOGS!!!" you shouted and went to your room before locking it and falling on the bed "puurrr~" Nyan said and purred making you giggle

"hai hai Nyan-chan~" you said and stand up picking the Siberian cat(it's a kind of cat breed I searched and it's really freaking cute) and putting it on your lap caressing its fur and smiling like an maniac (sorry reader I just love cats)

"cats are more majestic than dogs...well except for the type of dogs called 'King Charles'..hmmm it's a bit cute to say but still cats are more majestic than them" you said and put Nyan on her bed and lie on your bed trying hard to ignore the barks outside the room and trying to keep tossing and turning then can't handle it and took your jacket and hat and picked Nyan and put a collar and put a leash and pick her up again and jumped out of the window and successfully land in the soft ground...yep it's snowing and you put Nyan down and started walking with her following you (can't believe a cat can act like a dog -_-")

"so cold" you said and look at the house that is terribly noisy "I wonder how mom keep up with those dogs" you said and walk to the field and there you see the only guy you always look up to...Matsukaze Tenma is playing soccer with his friend Shinsuke,Tsurugi,and Shindou

"ah ohayou (l/n)-san!" Tenma said when he notice you and waved and you blushed a bit and waved at him before continuing walking to wherever you want to go and to wherever your mind leads you

"what a refreshing day outside rather than being home with those noisy dogs" you said and Nyan purred on your leg making you giggle before picking her up and walking with her in your arms and you sat on a bench and put her in your lap

"cats are really majestic right?just like you Nyan-chan" you said and caress its head

"you really like cats do you!?" Tenma said making you turn around and saw him with his dog Sasuke "ah y-yeah I do..." you said a bit always gets nervous around him but good for you he never ask about it or talk about it

"heee~what's her name?" Tenma asked when he saw the cat on your lap "ah her name is Nyan" you said and he touch the head of the cat making the cat purr on his hand and lick it and he laughed "kawaii" he said and you smiled with a pink blush

"she likes you" you said and the cat jumped off from your lap and climbed a tree and sleep n the branch "do you always leave her there?" Tenma asked and you shook your head "no...when she climb I wait for her to get back to make sure she doesn't get lost around and get into trouble specially with dogs" you said

"'re a rather bit protective on cats" he said and you blushed "n-no t-that's not really my point...I like animals...well for the dogs I like those that are quiet and behaved" you said "cats are just...majestic" you said and he smiled before sitting beside you

"I'd rather choose dogs" he said "why?" you asked and he started thinking "hmmm...I just like them really but in for some reasons they can protect their master or owner and the family of the owner but...well it depends on the type of dog if it's really has fighting spirit(Gingka's quote Beyblade -_-")" he said and you nodded

" they can protect their owner" you said and he nodded before standing up and stretching his body which was in a cute way for you

"purrrrr~" Nyan purred on your leg and you stand up "nee,wanna visit Aki-san for a while?" he asked and you blushed "s-sure" you said and the both of you walk to his home with his dog on the lead while your cat keeps near you

"Aki-san!tadaima(I'm home)!" he said and Aki look at you "ah nice to see you again (l/n)-san" she said and you smiled "it's nice to see you again too Aki-san" you said and she nodded before Tenma leads you to his room

"nee,can you help me with something?" he asked and you nodded "umm...about school actually" he said and scratch the back of his head making you blushed and you laughed knowing what he meant and you sat on his bed and nodded

"r-really!?it doesn't bother you?" he asked and you nodded while smiling at him and your cat jumps on your lap and he smiled "arigatou!" he said and you smiled "no probs!" you said and started to explain things on him answering every question he said and he takes notes

"I'm really thankful!thank you for the help (l/n)-san!" he said and you patted his head making him blush "everything Tenma-kun" you said and he look away

"and...ummm...(l/n)-san?" he said and you look at him "quit calling me (l/n) just (f/n)" you said and he nodded "um (f/n) ....I...wanted to tell you that...." he said and look at the ground

"what is it?" you asked and your cat jumped on the ground and went out of the room (good Neko)

" you (f/n)-san but...not in a friendly way but...more" he said and you blushed before smiling sweetly at him "so that's what you're going to tell" you said and he look at you "y-you don't need to answer if you don't like me I-I can wai-" you cut him off by a kiss and he blushed furiously before you pulled back with a tint of pink in your cheeks

"I like you too Tenma-kun" you said and he hugged you and you hugged back feeling him burry his face to the crock of your neck you giggle...Puppy love...he pulled away with a childish smile and he kissed you again

you kissed back and he trace your lip with his tongue asking for entrance as you open your mouth and he slid his tongue in your mouth and swirl in every inch he can before pulling away with a blush and you snuggle on his chest and he inhale the scent of your hair...Puppy Love again...but even thou it was puppy love you enjoy it...

"I love you" he said "I love you too~" you said in a playful tone

~Extended Ending~

"nee...kawaii right?" Aki said facing the two animal in front of her and she went upstairs and slightly opened Tenma's room door and saw the two of them kissing and she smiled before going downstairs

"those kids...I hope they won't get far" she said and went to her doings


Orison:yeah.....I didn't do a Russian kiss because....IT WAS SO GROSS DUDE!!!

Manabe:told you

Minaho:don't underestimate the trolls

Orison:-_-" hobbits...seriously the trolls reminds me of the trolls in Frozen


Manabe:just get on it will you?

Orison:yeah yeah ok good bye !and sorry if it was a bit short and boring and CATS,WOLF,AND FOXES ARE MAJESTIC AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!!EVEN SNOW LEOPARDS!!so good bye now!!see you again creepers!

Manabe:for so many times we can't see the reader -_-"

Minaho:*facepalm* until next time creepers


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