Tsurugi Yuuichi x reader:Beginning till End

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Tsurugi Yuuichi a.k.a Vladimir Blade
(dedicated to lovely akemi_64 !!!

Yuuichi:first time here...nice to meet you reader-chan

Manabe:he's so serious about this

Minaho:I think he's just like Kousuke....


Orison:on the story creepers!!


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


-Your P.O.V-

what is this feeling?am I....dead?...or alive?(don't worry I won't let the reader die...if you're gonna die,Manabe will suffer through my mind...Manabe:-_-" yeah...I won't sleep forever)

why do I feel cold?I see....nothing....what...is....happening?where am I?

beep beep beep beep

what the heck is that sound?what the hell is happening!?this is freaking me out!!why can I only see darkness!?someone help me please!!

"are you sure?" someone said...that voice...it's familiar... "yes,and I am sure but don't worry...if she take the surgery she has 98% of surviving" another guy said ...surviving!?what is happening!?
"ok...just please...do everything for her" a feminine voice said "I will" the guy said and the sound of foot step disappeared before the sound of the door being opened and closed...

"(f/n)?" the feminine said "honey,don't worry...she'll be alright" a guy said "is nee-chan going to be alright?" a boy said "don't worry Konoha...your sister will be alright" the guy said ...K-Konoha!?...I started to struggle and move so that they will get the message

"look dad...nee-chan moved her fingers" Konoha said "we know Kono-kun...she will be alright because she will try her best to live for you...for us and we will try our best to help her" my dad,that I just notice,said and I felt a hand on mine

"(f/n)?please don't give up" a feminine voice that I notice who was my mom said...I won't!I promise I'll take care of Konoha!I'll protect our family!please!hear me out!
"we need to let her get her time and wait for her to wake up..." my dad said....thank you,dad... "nee-chan?I love you...don't leave Kon-kon alone" he said ...I won't!...and I love you too...then the only thing I remember is the sound of Konoha crying and my moms words...

-BIG Time Skip brought to you by Konoha-

Konoha:hello!I'm your little brother!my nickname is Kon-kon or Kono! I'm an OC

Orison:isn't he cute!?

Kira:that is not what you said to me!


-Back to the Hospital-

uuugggghhhh...my head hurts...where am I?where's Kon-kon?where's mom and dad!?what is happening!?so much question pop in my mind even thought no one is answering it...then I heard something,a sound of a guy in the mic and the word 'goal'...is that a sports?

"ughhhh" I said as I tried to open my eyes slowly trying to get use of the light...my body is weak and my eyes are blurry...

"o-ouch" I said as I tried to sat up...when my eyes can clearly see I look around but...like I said!my body is weak that I can't even move my head to the sides!damn!!
"ah you're awake" someone said and my body felt electricity that it gain energy and I look around and saw a guy with navy blue hair and of course he is wearing the hospital wear...

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