Minaho Kazuto x reader:Predictions

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Minaho Kazuto a.k.a Keenan Sharpe
(dedicated to Tsukinawa_Yukino ...ha-ha!!you are the next kill!!

Minaho:THE HECK!?

Manabe:he didn't expect that one *evil smirk*

Minaho:why didn't I predict that before this happened!?

Manabe:it's not the end of the world Minaho-kun -_-"

Orison:on the story!


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/N)-eye color


"hurry Kira!" you shouted at the girl who was calmly walking while reading a book at the same time and wearing her glasses "where are we going again?" she asked still looking at her book and you rolled your eyes
"the river bank!what are you!?" you asked and she look at you with a blank impression

"I'm a mere human" she said and look back at her book and you sweatdrop

"damn you!Tenma-san said that he and the whole soccer team will go there and we'll meet new friends!well except for Nozaki-san because we already know her for centuries" you said and she look at you with the same expression
"you're the only one who knows Nozaki...because I dun know her" she said calmly and your eye twitch

"let's just go!" you said you grabbed her hand dragging her to the river bank where the whole Earth Eleven is

-Time skip brought to you by Levi Ackerman-

Levi:why am I here?and why is this place dirty?

Orison:can I throw him in the trash can for complimenting my room?

Manabe:why is he even here?



as you arrived you saw the same familiar brunette running to the fields with some people...

"TENMA!!" you shouted and he look at you with a wide smile "(l/n)-san!" he said and you smiled at him "eh?so you did brought Kira-san!!" he said

Kira look at him and started scanning the people...her eyes got stuck on a simple lavender-head guy and suddenly she look away with a slight blush...

"yo (l/n)-san" Shindou said and you saw Tsurugi,Shinsuke,and Aoi "ya!" you said and someone gives you a bear hug "(f/n)-kun!!!" she said and by that time you already know the name of the person "Nozaki!!" you said and hugged back "eh??(l/n)-san you know her?" Shinsuke asked and Kira got her normal state back "actually...she does know her for what she called centuries" Kira said and look away again when the lavender-head look at her

"yuppie!" you said and did a peace sign "well I was planning on bringing Kira but she insisted but you know me when I wanted something and that's why she is here with me!" you said and hugged her from behind and she rolled her eyes "get off of me before I smack the crap out of you" she said and you did but smiled

"then I'll introduce you to them!" Tenma said and introduced you to the whole team "and this is Minaho!" he said to a orange-head guy.... 'is it me or is it that he looks cute?' you thought and waved at him with a slight blush
"and this is Manabe-kun!" Tenma said pointing to the lavender-head and you look at Kira who was trying hard not to show her face to the guy and you smirk

"nice to meet ya!" you said and pulled Kira "let me introduce her..this is one and only...Shirouka Kira-chan!!!" you said and she glare at you
"don't call me with -chan will you?" she said and you patted her head making her glare at you more and you laughed "wanna join us in soccer?" Minaho said and you smirk "you bet!" you said "come on Kira!" you said and pulled her along

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