Kishibe Taiga x reader:Password

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Kishibe Taiga a.k.a Bay Laurel
(dedicated to kishibe941 !!!!my lovely friend!!!!

Manabe:she really likes Kishibe...

Minaho:I bet she never get tired of thinking of him

Orison:maybe so let's get on the story... -.-'


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


(S/T)= Song Title

"come on (f/n)-chan why can't you let go of your phone for sometimes?" Aphrodi asked looking at you who's too busy playing games in your phone, Aphrodi, knowing that his little sister, Afuro (f/n), loves games and tried his best to distract you... turns out that you only ignore him and keep focusing on your phone

"nee, Afuro-nii... haven't you given up yet on distracting me?" you asked not even glancing at him

"of course not! a god never gives up!" he said and you snort making him sigh "what kind of brother I am if I can't even get my little sister out from playing games" he said and sat on your bed looking at you

"you can't just stay playing games all day or 24/7" he said and finally you look at him with the plain poker face

"I don't play the whole day Afuro-nii... I don't play when classes" you said and look back at your phone

"well yeah you don't but right after classes you always go back on your games... aren't you getting tired of it?" he asked and crossed his arms "you might have a good grades but you can't just stay playing games foreve-"

"who says I stay up only to play games?" you asked with a pout looking at him and he sighed

"you think I didn't saw you at the middle of the night playing? I even set a camera and I saw you stay up all night just to play it" he said with a serious face "wait... does that mean you saw everything I did!!?" you asked and he shook his head

"I set the camera when you were in the living room after you took a bath and put it there and you didn't even notice" he said and you deadpanned

"no way" you said and he smirk

"yes way... because I am a god" he said and grab you taking you out of your room like a child and put you on the couch

"Afuro-nii I have two foot to walk" you said and glared at him...

"well you do have but you're not even using it... you're only using it to get food and what so ever and you use your phone everyda-..... oh so you put a password" he said and tried his best to open your phone... well... unfortunately your password is not that noticeable and easy to guess

"hah! you can't even guess my password!" you said and point a finger at him smiling proudly making him sweatdrop...

"yeah whatever I'll find out someday" he said and throw your phone towards you, fortunately for you, you caught it but a little that it almost fall

"Afuro-nii!! do you know how much this phone cost!?" you yelled

"do I care? now get up and you're going to sleep now" he said and you scoff before going back to your room and jumping into your bed

"Afuro-nii..." you called and he went to you with a questioning look

"hm?" he asked and sat on the edge of your bed looking at you making you sat up and cross your legs in an Indian sit and pouted

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