Kirino Ranmaru x reader:Thinking out Loud

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Kirino Ranmaru a.k.a Gabriel Garcia
(ok my mind was telling me to think what to write then suddenly I heard this song which is the title of my story now and a stupid idea came and now I write shitties....I suck at thinking about titles -.- well better get on to the story or I will die due to thinking hard of a good title)


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"Kirino!!" you shouted at the female looking pink haired guy while he was just smiling innocently at you "you!give that back or I'll freakishly kill you!" you said trying to get the book on his hand while he extend it high enough so you won't reach it...teasing you about how short you are in height....

"aww~ (f/n)-kun is so cute when she's doing that mad face of her~" he teased while Shindou laughs at what he said....

"nice Kirino!" he said making you pout "shut up curly hair!" you said and he laugh more

"aww~so cute~" Kirino said "give me that book back or I'll definitely kill pink head!" you said and jumped to get the book but ended up making you fall to result you fell on top of him making the curly head stop laughing but instead he did a wolf whistle
"(F/N) AND KIRINO SITTING ON A TREE,K.I.S.S.I.N.G~~~~" Kariya and Kageyama sing making curly head laughed again and fall to the ground clenching his stomach with eyes on tears....

you stood up flustered while Kirino just sat on the ground looking away....

"wohoo!!congrats Kirino you now have a girlfriend ~!" Kurumada and Sangoku teased "m-mou!(stop it)" Kirino said getting more flustered
"give me the book or I'll kill" you said and he surprisingly reach the book to snatch it and sighed in relief as you hugged it....

"why are you even so attracted to that book?" Kurama asked "it's just....nothing....I'll be going home now!" you said and run away from the team...good thing they didn't saw what's inside the book or they'll definitely see who your crush is, which means that book is actually your dairy but they didn't know...
"nice move Kirino~!" Shindou then again teased him while he was still blushing and annoyed of the whole team sending wolf whistles

-Time skip-

"phew.... I thought I will lost you" you said as you look at the book...."specially to Kirino..." you said

"eh?why specially to Kirino?" someone said from behind.... 'crap!I'm thinking out loud again!' you thought and saw Kishibe with a confuse look

"e-eh!?nothing!" you said and wave your hand in front for defense and he smirk making you confuse

"you like him admit's easy to know because you always think out loud and I as your loyal best friend knows everything about it" he said and patted your head while you pouting
"whatever!(don't forget the sarcasm tone!)" you said and walked side by side with him "why won't you confess to him? I's like eternity that you have a crush on him" he said and you blush looking away

"I wanted to...I was just shy" you said and Kishibe look back and smirk at what he saw...

-Kirino's P.O.V-

I was walking alone after the team keeps teasing me...I did have a crush on her like forever and she was just so cute when mad or angry-wait....isn't mad and angry the same thing?

when I was walking I heard was familiar and one was a music to me...(f/n)...her voice...I walked further searching for the voice and I saw her with Kishibe....

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