Miyabano Reiichi x reader:Ghost Hunt

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Miyabano Reichi a.k.a Preston Princeton
(mwahahahahah!!I thought of this because I was watching a horror TV show <with all lights are off and really dark>and got the idea of making a story about ghost hunt!because I tried hunting ghost and the result is tripping in the stairs because I was running of how creepy it was...well who wouldn't be scared to ghost?now let's get to the story and I'll keep my mouth close ok!)


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"what?a ghost hunt?" everyone in Teikoku soccer team said as Hishime(OC) told them the news "so does that mean we're going to leave school?" Kenya asked and Sakuma nodded
"don't worry,it will be called a team bonding for us...it's settled on Friday to Sunday" Hishime said and smiled at them "that means we'll be camping?" Itsumi said and Sakuma nodded

"wow...never thought I would experience that" Jinta said and the others nodded "oh right where's Miyaba-" Oosuji was about to say when he was cut off by a shout
"minna!" Miyabano said and run towards them,when he arrived he panted and bowed to them
"osoi(you're late) Miyabano-kun" Sakuma said "(f/n) write a mark on his list of late" he said and you nodded and write a '1' on it

"gomenasai(I'm really sorry)" he said and bowed again "well let's go back to practice" Kidou said and they went to the field...
"(f/n)-chan you'll tell him the news since the both of you always walk home together" Kidou said and you nodded
"nyeh" you said which irritated Kidou "seriously stop it it's not funny" he said "hai Kidou-kantoku nyeh" you said again "now stop it" he said "nyeh" you said again "why won't you stop saying ' nyeh'? it's really annoying" he said

"oh please Kidou-kantoku get use to it,it's my expression nyeh" you said which cause him to have a vein pop on his head "Sakuma you better shut your younger sister's mouth before I destroy the earth" he said and Sakuma patted your head with a smile and you smile cutely at him which the whole team saw and some of the boys blushed of the cuteness
"I can't believe my sister is attracting too many boys" Sakuma teased and you glare at him "nyeh" you said

"now,now don't do that" he said "hai Sakuma-nii!" you said and smiled which then again caught the attention of the boys and blush....yup,you are Sakuma (f/n),Sakuma Jirou's younger sister...
"I can't believe that the whole team is attracted to you" Kidou said and you wear your best innocent face which was cute for the boys
"I don't know" you said and Sakuma facepalm....

-Time Skip-

after practice,you and Miyabano were walking straight to your home and he was going there too since the both of you are doing a project together
"eh?a ghost hunt?" Miyabano said and tilt his head which was cute for you...you did have a crush on him anyway so you just can't stop looking at those smile that he wear
"yeah...actually starting tomorrow we're going to leave for hunting since it starts at Friday after school and ends at Sunday afternoon...we'll be camping on the forest" you said and he nodded

"let's go before it gets dark" you said and hurriedly went home or your mom will yell at you or at the two of you being late...

-Next day-

"yo minna!" Itsumi said and waved "oh finally there's Miyabano...I thought he will be late again" Oosuji said and Miyabano went to his position
"later we'll be leaving for the forest!and I can't wait!" Hishime said and you smiled at her

-Time Skip-

"it's already afternoon" Sakuma said "ok guys are we complete?" Kidou asked "hai!" you all said
"let's go" he said and all of you went to the bus...you sat besides the window and besides you was Miyabano since you've been friends with him
"nee,what do you think will happen while we're hunting ghost?" he asked "dunno" you said and look at the time and it reads 5:47 pm....
"I think we're going to start hunting tomorrow because it's already late and we still have a long way to go,plus the preparations for camping will take time" you said in a serious tone

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