I'm terriby sorry

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I am terribly sorry... for not updating for months and you know....

Forgive me for what I'm going to say...

I may not be able to stay in this account... or update again... I am very sorry for those who requested and hoped that I will update...

I know I disappointed many of you...

Forgive me, but I won't be able to keep this account up... some of you may be mad at me or maybe annoyed and irritated saying that I'm such an damn annoying author...

I've been having my head down for so many months... um I stopped updating in September?... and it's been 4 or 3 months?...

I know some of you waited for me to update but...

I'm so sorry that I have to stop this...

Someone there I know is probably very mad at me soooo much... I didn't want to face anyone starting when I have a problem in... something private so...

I didn't update, thinking that person might think that I didn't care or that I'm acting like nothing's wrong...

But everything's wrong now... I'm saying the truth... everything's wrong...

I've been lying for s reason... I know you don't believe me but I never lie without a reason... so... I bet you're more mad at me now? Because I'm lying? No. I'm not lying now...

So, that's all what I have to say...

Thank you for reading this useless thing...

-The most stupidest person on earth

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