Gouenji Shuuya x reader:Sick

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Gouenji Shuuya a.k.a Axel Blaze
(dedicated to DragonessKunoichi !yup yup here it is!oh and thank you for the help of blancav1 !!!

you Gouenji:why the heck am I here and where am I?

Minaho:you're under arrested

Manabe:you're in our underground room where ten people can fit


Orison:you're here to be with reader-chan because I don't have my interest in you...


Manabe:yeah man I know how it feels now let's get on the story -_-


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/N)-eye color


you were a manager at Raimon Jr.High since you were intelligent and you become a partner of Kidou when it comes to game planning...you even helped them when they fought against Zeus Jr.High...FF has passed and you were with the other managers like usual and the team practice like usual except that one person is not present...one and only Gouenji Shuuya...

"bee,Aki-senpai...where is Gouenji-kun?" you asked and she raise her shoulders "he haven't been in school fro two days already" Haruna said and you nodded
"why are you asking?" Natsumi said and you look away "don't tell me!" Haruna said and you covered her mouth and sh'ed her

"you have a crush on him?" Aki said in a low tone and you nodded while Natsumi and Haruna squeal "oi!what is with the squealing thing?" Endou asked and they shook their head
"nothing!" they said and you sweatdrop "why not visit him?" Kazemaru said "eh!?" you said and he sighed "I mean,why not check him so we'll know what's wrong" he repeated and you gulped

"s-ss-s-sure" you said nervously and nodded and Haruna elbowed you and you glare at her

-Time skip brought to you by Paracetamol-

Orison:why the...........

Manabe:yun yun yun yun yun

Minaho:are you alright?

Orison:-_-" whatevs

-Back to my health-

school bells ring as sign it's the end of the school

"ok...go to Gouenji's apartment" you said and pack your stuff not caring if there's still practice...while walking you receive a message from Aki

Aki:where are you?

you immediately replied

You:going to Gouenji's apartment

you lock your phone and run faster...when you arrived you immediately ask the lady where the room is and went on...

"ok....inhale exhale" you said and knock on the door

knock! knock! knock!

the door opened revealing a lady on her age "um yes?" she said and you tense up "um...I'm Gouenji's-" you were cut off when his sister budge in
"you're onii-chan's girlfriend!" she said and you blush and shook your head "n-no!I'm just his classmate!" you said and look away

"oh I see come in" the lady said and you went inside and look around "nee nee,why are you here?" his sister asked "um his friends wanted to know what happened to him since he haven't come to school" you said and she nodded "onii-chan is in his room!" she said and pulled you to where only god knows

when she stop in front of a door she knock and a low 'come in' was heard followed by coughs...

"onii-chan!" she said and entered the room with you being pulled in...when you saw him,he was lying on his bed with a rag on his forehead
"G-Gouenji-kun!you didn't told us that you were sick that we got worried!I'm so sorry to disturbed I must leave to let you rest" you said and bowed and turned around about to leave

"wait!" he said and you turn around to him "yes?" you said and he smiled "can you stay for a bit?" he asked and you blushed
"um sure!" you said and sat on the chair close to his bed "sorry to worry you guys...I was just not able to say it" he said and you smiled at him not noticing the blush on his face

"don't worry...as long as you get well" you said and took your phone out and message Aki about his condition and put it back on your pocket
"um,I wanted to tell you something" he said and you nodded "come closer" he said and you did as he told when suddenly he raise his head and pressed his lips on yours making you shock and your eyes widen and he broke the kiss

"I love you" he said and you blushed "Gouenji....." you said and he turn around and sleep "he....love me" you said and touch your lips with your hand and went to his bathroom and got a bucket of water and you took the rag that was on his head and wet it and place it on his head...you helped the lady outside and took care of him...when it was night you told your mom that you won't be at home and that you won't be sleeping at home and she agrees since it's Friday...

"(f-f/n)?" Gouenji said and his eyes slowly opened and you smiled "yo...feel better?" you said and he sat up "a bit" he said and smiled at you
"thanks for taking care of me" he said and you smiled "well...I'll get sick anytime tomorrow or any day any way so it was not a proble-" you were cut off when he kissed you and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer and deepening the kiss...

he broke kiss and stare at your eyes with wonder "I love you and nothing will change it" he said and you smiled at him and peck his lips which shock him but smiled
"I love you too" you said and he kissed you again

he lick your bottom lip and you parted your mouth carefully and he slid his tongue in your mouth and swirl with your own tongue...you wrapped your arms around his neck and he earned a slight moan from you making him deepen the kiss more...you felt fireworks on your stomach as your hand played with his hair and your tongue played with his own...

when he broke the kiss he peck your cheeks which cause it to heat up...

"Gouenji...you bad boy....now I know that I'll definitely going to get sick" you said and he giggled "I love you" he said and you giggled

~Extended Ending~

"dear someone is here for you" your mom said and Gouenji went in your room while you cough and sneeze "hey" he said and sat beside your bed
"see!I told you I'll get sick!" you said and he smiled...he took care of you and helped you get better again...now you know no matter if you get sick,you know that someone is there who will take care of you and if he or she gets sick you'll be the one to take care of him/her....


(because......I hated getting sick but if someone I like will take care of me I love to get sick



Orison:oh well and wait for the next chap-chap!



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