Nishinosora Yoichi x reader:Drowned by you!

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Nishinosora Yoichi a.k.a Lucas Skywalk
(because I love him!!!his name reminds me of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars XD.....he's so freaking cute and so!...UWAH! I just love him so much that I spend the rest of my time thinking of a plan when I finished the previous chapter...oh and um...about the Minaho x reader I wrote...their coach Mizuki Michiko,is a girl and what you read there is that she become a boy...XD sorry but here she will be a pure girl don't worry! I'll shut up now!and I wont give meanings to some Japanese words that will be written there)


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


you were walking in the cursed school as you keep quiet and keep your guard up so if there's attacks of bullies came just in case...people sending stares at every single one at each other except someone who never really care for the (f/n),a teenage girl and is very cold,low spirit,and a lazy wonder why you always got high scores in test even if you were so lazy at studying....some people say it's a coincidence but they don't know that you were once a responsible,kind,and bright child and was one of the type of a competitive and high spirited girl who never back off in challenges even at soccer,your most highly sports that was once send to darkness...that's why you gave up on playing soccer,because of Fifth Sector,when your school lost,when you lost your pride to one guy....guess who? and only..... Nishinosora Yoichi.....the sarcastic guy who never cares about were drowned by that blonde hair of his,blue eyes,and sarcastic attitude that you thought you lost your pride of,because of falling for a type of guy like because of soccer AND him,you become someone who doesn't know the meaning of friendship anymore,someone who is now cold,miserable,lazy,hopeless,and priceless...people around you sending each others stare as this school you are in,have so many troublemakers,specially the soccer team,well....except for their captain,Kita Ichiban,the responsible guy who you should really fall for,not like Nishinosora Yoichi,who is one of those troublemakers,but....let's just say you maybe a troublemaker but not that much because you don't accept challenges from your schoolmates anymore,not like the old,for are a student of this cursed school,Tengawara Junior High...well lets just say,there's two guys there who are simple as ever....Ichiban,and this detective who has his interest in observing your behavior,he even almost took your first kiss when his face was close to yours because of this observing thingy of his...but nevertheless,he become close to you and he is the only one who knows why you are the kind of girl like now....what's his name?...Minaho Kazuto now hush! let me shut up and get to the point of the story...because I can be sadistic and dramatic sometimes you know (Fubuki:isn't dramatic and sadistic the same?) leh meh shuh up and gevh teh detels(if you understand my language)(it means:so let me shut up and give the details)

as you walk peacefully and calmly,someone shouted your name...

"(F/N)-KUN!!!" now your peace is disturbed by the one and only detective with his friend Kita Ichiban running towards you....
"ohayou (f/n)-kun!" Minaho said waving at you "ohayou (l/n)-san" Kita said and you waved at him

"ohayou...Kita...Minaho..." you said "oi!captain don't leave your members!" someone said and what you don't know is that someone is with them... 'these stupid....people...tch...annoying,why do I have to be stuck with these boys?I swear if they touch me I'll kill these creeps' you thought slightly glaring

"now,now,(f/n) glaring" Minaho whispered and you tch'ed and he smiled...five of the school soccer members are standing in front of you now....two of them being,Kita Ichiban and Minaho Kazuto...the other three is,Hayabusa Hideki,Hoshifuru Kaguya,and most importantly....the guy who stole away your pride....Nishinosora Yoichi....

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