Daddy!Afuro Terumi x Mommy!Reader x Child!Kira x Child!Orison

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Dedicated to SakuraKunoichi

Manabe:*reading script* ok so the requester said that Kira and Orison should or 'must' join the story so me and Minaho-kun are going to try our best to be the author here

Minaho:it's not really an author...

Manabe:so let's start? also Kira here is just an adoptive daughter but she's more older than Orison

Minaho:and Orison is the real daughter... harsh...

Manabe:let's start the story then


Clear blue eyes wondered out of the dark skied window, waiting for someone in fact. White hair tied into a low ponytail with pale skin, playing with her fingers.

" Nee-san?" a certain brunette girl tug on the hem of her sister's black sleeved sweater.

" Hm?" the white head responded, looking at her younger sister. " What is it Orison?" she asked, pulling the brunette on her lap. " When's mommy and daddy coming home?"

As if on cue, the door opened, revealing two adult figures.

" Mommy! Daddy!" Orison ran towards them, leaving the white haired girl on the couch, watching in silence. Orison jumped on her father's arm, snuggling her small nose on his neck.

" How's our baby doing?" Afuro said, stroking her brown hair. F/N chuckled, placing the groceries on the kitchen table.

Kira watched in silence, before heading to her room. She wasn't used to be around her parents, or should I say step parents. The day when she was adopted, she didn't showed any emotions of happiness but more like she kept her happiness to herself, isolating from the outside and staying inside the house. There's times when she would guard and wait for her parents to come home but she wouldn't admit it. She love them, but she never thought about it either.

F/N's eyes followed the pale girl, concern sparks in her eyes.

" Mommy, daddy, Kira-neechan was waiting for you earlier." both adults smiled.

Even thou they can't see her emotions personally, Orison telling them that she cared and love them was enough to make them both happy. They both know that Kira doesn't like showing affection and they understood that, they knew she needs a bit more time to be comfortable enough to express her emotions to them.

" Let's get dinner ready ok? Then we'll have fun in the living room." Afuro said, pecking Orison's forehead and placing her on the ground, letting her run to the kitchen with her mother. Afuro headed upstairs, twisting the door knob of Kira's room. " Kira?"

As expected, the said child is always busy in her books, reading political types of books and historical books, he found out that she was interested in other countries history and also reads any book that she interests in like novels, poems, and fairy tale stories. He smiled, seeing how she is focused on the book he bought for her last week.

He sat at the edge of her bed, her eyes looking up to him, her reading glasses looks so cute on her.

" Otou-san?"

" Hello Kira-chan, are you feeling ok?" Afuro asked, taking a sit beside her, taking a few peeks on her book. Kira look at him, offering her book and he gave her a confused look.

" Do you want to r-read?" she stuttered, looking away and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks. He chuckled at her flustered state, patting her head affectionately, " D-Do you want me to r-read you a b-book?"

" Shouldn't I be the one to do that for you?" Afuro chuckled, taking the book from Kira's hand.

" E-Eh?" she looked away, her cheeks colored with shades of red as she plays with her hands.

" How about I read you a story?" she nodded lightly, listening carefully as the words slip in Afuro's lips. He chuckled whenever she would let a few expressions on her face. He thought of it as cute.

~ Times skip ~

" Mommy? Daddy's taking too long." Orison whispered, the silence inside the house was rare yet comfortable. You carried her, walking towards Kira's room.

" Afuro? Kira?" you called quietly.

It was a sight to see.

You giggled, Afuro sleeping with Kira lying on his chest was a rare sight to see, since Kira prefers to sleep alone. " Mommy, Kira and daddy sleeps so cute~" Orison whispered with a grin.

" Yeah, they're both cute." you smiled softly before sitting on the side of the bed, careful not to wake the two. You kissed Afuro's forehead. " You did a good job, Afuro..." you whispered.

Your hand strokes Kira's hair gently. (Kira:I don't let others touch my golden hair.)

" Mhmm... mommy... daddy..." Kira muttered. " I... love... you..." your eyes soften.

" We both love you too." you carried Orison back to the kitchen, setting her on the counter and continuing with you cooking.


Manabe: Ori-san said she didn't know where she got this idea from...

Minaho:must be because she wants to feel the love of a parent

Manabe:oh well, that'll be all for today's update

Manabe&Minaho: until next time

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