Minaho Kazuto x reader:Baka Detective

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Minaho Kazuto a.k.a Keenan Sharpe
(awwww~~~~his name is freaking cute!!I want to kill myself!!>~< nyahahaha!!but I only like him and I love Manabe!! kushishishishi!! I'll shut up now!!)


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(E/C)-eye color
(H/C)-hair color


"eh?" you asked your mother who was doing your breakfast "Tengawara Jr. High will be my school?" you said in a questioning tone raising one eyebrow "yup and you'll be sure to have fun" she said with a smile that shows a lot of ideas

"oh" you only said 'oh' because the rumors you heard about the people in your previous school saying that Tengawara Junior High was actually sometimes full of bullies 'I'm not going to enjoy school this year' you thought and in the inside your face shows horror and all....you sighed and stood up ready to leave for a simple things
"mom I'll leave now!" you shouted loud enough and you got the sign of permission when you heard her loud hm'ed

-Time Skip-

"time to look at people" you said and look around making stares at people even if they don't even notice you....you spotted a girl with a worried look combined with a sad one 'on a date or is your friend late to fetch you?' you thought and smiled when a guy came and kiss her in the cheeks and she smiled
"one down three to go" you said and go to another location....you stop at the bridge of the mall and rest your elbow on the alined pole.... 'hmmm....people are getting boring to observe...tch...I still need three more come on...who more,who more,who more!' you screamed in your mind...suddenly you caught a glimpse of eyes looking at you like you were a rat and and an owl was trying to catch you as its prey...you felt uncomfortable and started to move slightly but didn't move away from your spot...you look around you and found someone besides you with an orange hair looking at you

"what in the world of creepiness are you looking at?" you said and back away a bit

"hm...you look suspicious that's why I wanted to check" he said making you go all confuse "huwat?" you said in a weird tone....

"hmm....you look bored earlier and in the same time pissed off because of people" he said 'what the!?how.....' your head freak out and started to feel uncomfortable with him
"you're scared" he said 'shut up!' you thought and back off a bit "eh....umm...I better go now?bye!" you said and run away from him and went home

-Time Skip-

"holy fairies what in the world of creepiness happened to you!?" your mother screamed and approach you "what do you mean mom?" you asked and raised an eyebrow....
"it's like you ran a thousand miles and got a sweat from all the running!" she said...yeah right you did run away from the guy earlier did you?so it's normal that you would get a sweat from all the run you did because,who wouldn't when you run from the mall to home? you told her the whole story and she screamed like a woman fearing someone to death you sweatdrop because of her actions

"mom....seriously?I'm fine...he didn't hurt me" you said with an assuring smile making her cheer up

"ok then go get a bath and get dinner ok?" she said and ruffled your hair then you remembered someone

"nee,mom...when will dad arrive here at home?" you asked suddenly making her quiet

"I don't know" she said,you nodded and left for a bath...you don't know but you keep thinking about that guy that you saw earlier and you didn't stop from shivering and plus...you only get one person to observe of.....

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