Soujiro Seta x reader(Log Horizon):Assassination

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um kinda weird name and is it familiar to you?that's because he is not from Inazuma Eleven or anything but one of my friend said to make him one story when she founds out that I watch Log Horizon and got....a crush on him...HEY NO JUDGING IT PEOPLE ITS NORMAL TO HAVE A CRUSH ON A GUY WHO GETS INSANE WHEN HIS MEMBERS WAS HURT AND WAS NICE WHEN EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT....ok lemme stop shouting ok?...dedicated to my self, penymaxine and to kishibe941 because we watch Log Horizon together Soujiro Seta from Log Horizon ok?


Shōryu:-_-" so this means I'll have one too even if I'm not a part of the I.E anime

Soujiro:n-no!!I-I refuse to participa-

Orison:ahahaha just get in the thing ok so I won't need to kill someone just to force you to go in the scenes ok?

Soujiro:*anime fall* she's hell itself

Manabe&Minaho:-_-" she is

Shōryu:good luck Souji-senpai...

Soujiro:that won't help....well...let's get along reader-chan *waves awkwardly with a weak face*


Soujiro:no!!OOC is another term for hell!!

Shōryu:I can't believe he can talk like that...-_-"


"eliminate" you said as you point your gun at the one and only Soujiro Seta from a far distance (deal with it people even if there's no gun in Log Horizon deal with it because I haven't watch the whole anime because I'm still in season 2 -_-")

"Soujiro Seta...must be eliminate" you said and remembered your clients words 'eliminate Soujiro Seta' you thought and set your gun

"eliminate...eliminate... assassinate" you said and focused on the target "he shall be sent to the Cathedral" you said and sealed your presence "like what that guy said" you again said


"maa!!who would call me in a time like this!" you screamed and run through the forest and arrived at Akihabara and went to an abandoned building which was a bit crowded by weird people or what we called 'adventures and People of the Land' and you put your hood up and lowered your head so no one will notice you

"tch...not in a place like this" you said and look around when suddenly you felt a tap on your shoulder and you turn around to see an old guy with white beard with a hat "are you..the assassinator?" he asked and your eyes lit up even if they couldn't see your face "hai" you said and he sighed and lead you to a seat

"I'm really sorry if I bothered you and I'm sorry for taking you to a place like this" he said and you nodded "that's not a problem,why did you called me here?who's my target?" you asked and he look at you with worried eyes

"eliminate Soujiro Seta" he said and your eyes widen "why?I heard he was a nice guy around the place and was the master of the West Wind Brigade" you asked and a tear escape eyes "he...he's a monster... he's not like what people think he is...he said bad things to me and to my kids...h-he even touch my wife" he said and your eyes showed angriness even if they can't see it and your hands clench into a fist

"what a dirty attitude" you said in an angry tone and he nodded "please assassinator...please sent him to Cathedral and make him pay for what he did...please help my family" he said and you felt pain in your chest as you look in his eyes

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