Fei Rune x reader:You look like a Rabbit

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Fei Rune a.k.a Fei Rune
(weird name....

Manabe:they're the same...-.-

Minaho:dedicated to GalaxyPegasus1

Orison:am I the only one to recognize that Fei looks like a rabbit?

Manabe:not logic



(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/N)-eye color


"hey hey hey!" Saryuu said calling you multiple times and feeling annoyed that you are ignoring him...you live in hundred years away from Tenma's time line and you were once a SSC but with the help of whatever it's name(I forgot because it's been a long time since I watch the whole anime)...

"hello?" Saryuu said and now you're infinity annoyed by him calling you over and over again...does he have a crush on you or what?if no then let's just say stop him from calling you and getting your attention but he just won't stop since he was your captain...you were one of The Lagoon after all...

"what is it that you keep on calling me and getting my attention?what now?" you asked with slight glaring at him and he sighed as you finally notice him
"am I invisible or what is that you never notice me?" he said and your eye twitch a bit "what is it that you want?" you asked

"me,Fei,Meia,Giris,and Garu...along with you" he said pointing his finger at you when he mentioned you and you raised an eyebrow at him
"we're going to have a trip everywhere" he said and you scoff "I'm not coming" you said and put your attention to your book and started to ignore him again

"oh really?why not let's just say this is one of my plans for you and Fei" he said and you look up at him when he mentioned the name 'Fei' and you glare at him "what....did....you....say?" you said in a demanding tone and he smirked "I said this is one of my plans for you and Fei" he said again

"shut it monkey I'm not coming" you said and he glare at you when you called him monkey "then what will you do if I force Rabbit to force you to come with us?" he said mentioning Fei as a rabbit while he is a monkey

"will you just stop it please?" you said and he rolled his eyes "no" he said in a serious tone and from that you know that you will have to follow him because you all don't know what he can do if he's mad even if he's not SSC anymore

"fine!" you said and he smiled making you scoff "when are we leaving?" you asked "in the afternoon now get up and prepare your self for my plan!" he said and you sighed and stand up and walk to your room while he snicker with that cat smile (Saryuu:I don't have a cat smile -_-)

when you were ready you left your room and went straight outside the house and saw them all talking with each other and you walk up to them
"about time!" Garu said and you rolled your eyes "you didn't told me earlier" you said and Saryuu pouted "that's because you're ignoring my calls!" he said and Meia and Giris laughed

"well let's go!" Meia said and Fei nodded "where are we going again?" Fei asked and you sighed "you know what monkey, you invited us and you didn't even told us where we are going" you said and Saryuu glare at you "where going everywhere" he said and Meia squeal

"the zoo!" she said and Saryuu nodded with a smile "let's go!" he said and Fei walk besides you "he's...turning insane" Fei said and you facepalmed
"he's always insane" you said a bit nervous since he was your crush after all and you know Saryuu is doing this as plan for you and him...

-Time Skip brought to you by Monkeys-

Orison:I don't like monkeys much

Manabe:neither do I


when you arrived at the zoo Meia and Giris walk their own while Saryuu and Garu are together leaving you with

"damn this people" you said as the two of you are walking "tell me (f/n),do you like someone?" Fei asked tensing you a bit
"um y-yeah" you said and look away "can I know who it is?" he asked again with a cheerful voice (that hides pain :P)

"u-uh.....umm...." you said not wanting for him to know the answer "if you don't want to tell it's fine" he said and smiled at you making you blush at him and look away
"aw look!" he said and run to the place where rabbits are "you really like rabbits" you whispered and followed him "awwwww~it's so cute" he said and grabbed one of the rabbit and carefully caress its head making it snuggle at him and he giggled

"you like rabbits so much" you said and he laughed nervously...suddenly you notice something "um Fei?" you said and he look at you

"yea?" he said and you have a little sweat on your forehead "um...why do you look like a rabbit?" you asked with a slight giggle trying hard not to laugh

"e-eh!?" he said and look away embarrassed "I do?" he asked himself looking at the rabbit that was green and has the same eye color as his... "I really do look like you?" he said in an questioning tone and you laugh not handling the urge and not able to hold it anymore

"ok ok ok sorry I'm just thinking" you said and patted his head with a smile and he glare at you "good for you I don't have powers anymore" he said and you nodded
"yeah yeah we're the same" you said and he put the rabbit down and the both of you started to walk somewhere

-Time Skip brought to you by Rabbit-

Orison:my rabbit is already dead


Minaho:they're very sensitive

-Back to earth-

"nee,wanna walk to somewhere?" he asked and you nodded and the both of you left the zoo not caring for the others "I want to take you somewhere" he said and you followed him to where he wants to take you

-Time skip brought to you by nothing-


"we're here!" he said and you look around being amazed "wow!" you said and he smiled looking at the field of flowers with a tower in the middle and full of birds and butterflies (I'm so imaginative)
"do you like it?" he asked and you nodded "um Fei,I wanted to tell you something" you said nervously

"what is it?" he asked and faced you "um....about the guy I like" you said and you look at him

"it's........" you said and regret saying it later and look away with a blush "you" you said and look away and closed your eyes tightly not wanting to look at him
"(f/n)......." he said and you felt arms around your waist and a pair of lips on yours...you opened your eyes and saw Fej,your crush, is kissing you making your eyes widen in shock and he broke the kiss and smiled at you

"you know...you could've said the earlier" he said and hugged you "I love you too" he said and kissed your forehead

he pulled away and kissed you again and this time you wrapped your arms around his neck and he lick your bottom lip asking for entrance and you parted your lips and let him in and swirl around with your tongue making you feel fireworks in your stomach...

he broke the kiss and hugged you again

"I love you" he said "I love you too" you said and giggle "but I still can't get my mind off of why you look like a rabbit" you said and giggle and he scoffed...


(ok because I think he looks like a rabbit

Fei:I'm not a rabbit -_-

Manabe:not logic

Minaho:well he got some looks from a rabbit


Orison:shut your mouth because I don't want to hear your voice

Manabe:she hates her



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