Kiyama Hiroto x reader:Jealousy

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Kiyama Hiroto a.k.a Xavier Frost, Xavier Hunter, Xavier Schiller(Go)
(dedicated to ShimmerlyLove

Orison:hmmm...what does it mean?


Manabe:hmm...a pain in the che-......nothing.....

Minaho:intense feeling?????

Orison:-_-" forget it my head is starting to explode,oh and btw WHY DOES HIROTO HAVE SO MANY NAME!!?

Manabe:don't know...


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


(the whole part of the story might be in Hiroto's POV)

"ahhh~feels great to have a normal weekends!" Midorikawa said as he stretch making me laugh a bit

"oi!(f/n)!" Suzuno called as he forced the poor (h/c) girl to run around the field he dared her...

"ok ok I'm coming damn it!" she shouted and started to run again...poor girl, can't even even survive 50 laps around the field...Suzuno just dared her to do 50 laps because she choose dare and there she is...exhausted and running out of air and trying to catch up with the cold-hearted guy...I admit I hate what he dared her I mean...a girl running 50 laps and she's not athlete at can I not hate that?and plus...I don't like seeing the one I like running around tired like that...yes, I have a deep feelings about her but only Midorikawa knows it...

"ok done!" Suzuno said and (f/n) falls to the ground breathing heavily

"don't tell me you're already tired of that" Suzuno said...who wouldn't be tired of that when the person is not athlete?

"Suzu-san you're so mean!" she it hit my chest...whenever she calls Suzuno by nickname I always felt intense feeling inside like I'm shot in the heart....jealousy...I know it's ridiculous but still...I can't stop but feel jealous...

"you need more stamina!" Suzuno said and she glared at her but it didn't effect him...if only I can punch him now I would... he's always acting like he's the closest person to her,but I can't let my anger take on right?

"hey come on you two... you took too long before you finish that 50 laps" Reina said

"because this girl here is so slow" Suzuno said and it looks like (f/n) is holding something then she throw it at his head... bullseye... right in the face... ten points for you

"hey!" Suzuno said and (f/n) look away angrily...

"BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Midorikawa fall to the ground as he laugh and I tried to cover my mouth avoiding to laugh... "oh look the cold guy got hit by an aggressive girl" Nagumo said and Suzuno glared at him

"shut up tulip head" he said and (f/n) stomp at his feet... ow...

"what the heck was that for!?" Suzuno yelled and (f/n) look away "like I care!" she said

"hey stop the fighting now" Midorikawa said and (f/n) got back to her normal position... besides Suzuno... I really hate it when they're together...

-Time skipped brought to you by Manabe-




"I'm going home now bye!" (f/n) said as she waved at us leaving... I stare at where she disappeared... I miss her already...

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