Mark Kruger x Reader

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Dedicated to Arisu-chan003

Orison:I hope you don't mind if I kinda of change a bit of what you said and since Mark wasn't included in the Go series and I kinda miss him in the anime...

Kira: it ain't love at first sigh- wait it is love at first sight... hory shet...

Orison:* sweatdrop* yes it is but I kinda change the timeline of the one shot... anyway I hope you won't won't mind it and enjoy!


(e/c) orbs stare at yours, the boy's eyes filled with excitement as he holds the ball in his hand.

" Y-you're really going to let me play soccer!?" he grinned, his canine teeth showing. You chuckled, patting his (h/c) locks that he got from you. He was nothing like his real father. He was definitely your little male version. You nodded causing the child to jump in your arms, wrapping his little ones around your neck and nuzzling his face on the skin. You patted his back before letting him pull you outside the house to the field he was talking about.

When you arrived there, he started kicking the ball towards the goal post, practicing his skills.

You sat on a bench, a satisfied smile on your lips as you watch him play with the ball you gave him minutes ago. You decided to take a look around the park, trusting your son that he won't get in trouble since he practically said once that he can take care of himself, and you being the trustful mother you are believed in him.

Third person's POV

" Mommy let me play soccer..." (s/n) whispered happily, kicking the ball towards the goal with a wide smile, before something hit the back of his head. He turn around to see three guys in his age with big smirks on their faces. B- bullies!? his little mind said, his eyes widening in fear as they started picking on him, his poor little body cannot to anything since he was actually a naïve child.

" Oi! You three what do you think you're doing!?" they stopped picking on him, running away as the stranger with a soothing voice knelt beside the naïve child.

" M-mommy... I-I want mommy..." he sobbed, his hands sloppily wiping his tears away as he kept a strong frame.

" We'll search your mommy ok?" the stranger said, carrying (s/n) and placing him on the bench his mother was sitting on earlier. " I'm Mark, what's your name little guy?" the stranger introduced himself, kneeling in front of the (h/c) haired boy.

" (s-s/n)..." he muttered. " W-where's mommy?"

" We'll wait for your mother ok? I'm sure she'll come back for you, don't worry." Mark patted his soft locks, smiling reassuringly.

Normal POV

You walked back to the park, holding a plastic of (s/n)'s favorite snacks. You look around, until your eyes widen at the sight of him crying with a guy in front of him, patting him with a kind smile. " (s/n)!?" his eyes turned to you along with the stranger's beautiful orbs. (s/n) run towards you, jumping in your arms as he continued to sob on your shoulder,

" Oh my goodness! What happened to you!?"

" I'm very sorry mommy! I-I wasn't a-able to defend myself f-from b-bullies! Mister M-Mark helped me and told me that you'll come back soon..." he stuttered, wide eyes as he explain what happened to you. Your eyes went to the eyes of who you guess is Mark. You blushed, he was a handsome man. He too has a pink hue on his cheeks.

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