Ibuki Munemasa x reader:My man

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Ibuki Munemasa a.k.a Terry Archibald
(dedicated to umm...let's just say her sister wants another Ibuki x reader okie!! *plays*

Minaho:what are you doing Orison-kun?

Orison:what you mean?

Minaho:I mean....are you alright Manabe-kun?

Manabe:huh?why?*sits still and steady*

Orison:eh????what so bad???

Minaho:-_-" you two are weird


Manabe:maybe because Orison is playing my hair?

Minaho:well you said you won't allow anyone to touch your hair

Manabe:yeah I did but Orison-kun is different from others

Orison:yup!*plays Manabe's hair*

Minaho:starting when Manabe confessed to you...you started playing his hair...-_-

Manabe:are you jealous?

Orison:don't worry I'll get you a girlfriend

Minaho:HELL NO!

Orison:don't worry...the contract that Kira has have something written there that she will be your official girlfriend in real and no kidding



Manabe:on the story


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/N)-eye color


"he's like...a shining...angel" you said as you stare at Ibuki from afar that you receive an elbow from Aoi "oi!if you don't want to get caught don't daydream about him" she said and you sighed
"why is it hard to avoid him?" you said in a frustrated voice "avoid who?" Manabe asked "you know" you said and look at him "she's probably talking about her man" Kira said and Minaho nodded

"h-he is not my man!" you said "who?" Tenma asked "no one!" you said and look away embarrassed

-Time skip brought to you by Magic-

Manabe:they use illusions and tricks so I don't believe in them as long as it's scientific ability being able to fly on top of a tower um,...what's his name again?

Minaho:I don't remember but I know his name is Angel?Christ?I dunno...

Orison:he even teleported a coin inside his flesh and he cut it out only to prove it and it was real...really unscientific thing to do is his kind of magic

Manabe:I'm a fan now...



you were walking to home and suddenly saw a cat(-_-" reader-chan likes cats...MRS.SHINDOU!!!!)

"eh???" you said when you saw a white head person caressing the cats head (Minaho:please don't think of Fubuki)

"I-Ibuki!?" you said as you realized who that person is and ended up slapping your mouth as he turn to you with an innocent look
"ah (l/n)-san" he said and smiled making you blush (OOC alert!!!)

"what are you doing here?" you asked as you stood beside him while he was kneeling at the cat caressing it's head while the cat purr into him making him slight laugh
"nothing really..." he said and you nodded before kneeling beside him and look at the cat "do you like cats?" you asked and he started thinking "not much" he said and you nodded

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