Daddy!Kiyama Hiroto x Mommy!Reader x Child!Kariya Masaki(sample)

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Orison:ok this is not requested this is only a sample for a two person request since I kinda learned new things while I was away and I thought of trying it specially the-

Kira:character x child reader or child character x reader

Orison:I learned it from reading Hetalia freaking imagines and this white haired girl beside me is like OH MY GOD IT'S CANADA AND ICEFUCKINGLAND HAKENQKDNAKDNA

Kira:and this author beside me is like HORY SHET IT'S ENGLAND DHWKFHJSNC NNOOORRRRWWWAAAAYYYYY!!! revenge is sweet

Orison: ._.

Kira:so this is only a sample I repeat only a sample and let's all imagine that Kariya was left by his parents when he was more younger like 6 or 7

Orison:let's get on the story then!


Kariya tugged on his mother's leg, looking up at her with big eyes causing the girl to look down from the food recipes she was reading. She chuckled when he tugged at her again before lifting him up in her delicate arms.

He leaned on her shoulder, nuzzling his nose on her neck affectionately.

" What is it Kariya?" her soft voice that is like a lullaby said. He sneezed, causing the girl to form a frown on her face. She went to the livingroom, searching for medicines and a thermometer. She filled a glass full of water and placed Kariya on the couch, the child missing the warmth of the girl.

She dialed her husband's number.

" Hello?" his voice said from the other line.

" Hiroto-kun, when are you coming home? Kariya is feeling sick right now." her concern said, her voice a bit shaky as she took out the medicine.

" I'll be home immediately ok?" they said their goodbyes, before giving Kariya the glass of water and the mdicine.

" M-mommy..." he nearly whispered.

" Yes sweetheart?" she put the small child on her lap, pulling him in a loving embrace. He sneezed again, burying his face on the girls tummy.

" W-when's daddy coming home?" you chuckled at his flustered state.

He has been calling you mommy and Hiroto a daddy just a few weeks after he gained trust towards you, believing that you'll never leave him.

" He'll be here soon sweetie, just wait a bit more ok?" he nodded cutely, his arms wrapped around your torso. You patted his head, earning a few muffled snores from him.

A few more minutes later the door opened, revealing Hiroto in his office clothes.

He smiled at you, kneeling in front of where you are sitting at and patting Kariya's little head. He sensed his presence, looking at his father his eyes gleamed. " Daddy!" he jump in his arms, burying his small face on his chest.

" Hello there buddy." he patted his head, hugging him tight as his stomach filled with butterflies at the name 'daddy'. (Orison:daddy kin- //slapped by Kira// ;-; sorry.)

You smiled at the sight of them, standing up to the kitchen where you left the recipe book.

" Kariya wants to sleep with us." Hiroto whispered in your ear, hugging you from behind and  placing a quick kiss on your temple. You chuckled, nodding and placing the book back in the cabinet. Kariya clings on your leg, his little nose buried on the soft patches of skin. You both laughed at how cute he is.

" Go to bed ok? We'll be there in a minute." Hiroto patted his head and he excitedly run in their shared room, jumping on the bed.

" I'm sorry I wasn't able to come home early." he whispered in your ear, pulling you by the waist.

" It's ok, I know you work hard for the three of us." you hug his torso, his scent addicting you like a drug. You heard small whines upstairs, probably from Kariya who's growing impatient. You chuckled, both of you heading upstairs to your room, only to see Kariya rolling on the big fluffy blankets.

You aw'ed, heading to the bed with Hiroto, Kariya between the two of you with both of your arms wrapped on the small body of Kariya. He snuggled on your chest, sleeping slowly as he felt Hiroto's chest on his back.

The lulling heartbeat of both his mother and father made his eyes drop and he fell asleep almost immediately.

" F/N."

" Yes dear?" Hiroto smiled, pecking Kariya's head and your lips.

" Remember I love you both so much."

" Wuv yo tu mommy an daddy..."

Kariya muttered in his sleep, causing you both to chuckle. You pecked the top of his head, then your husbands lips.

" I love you both too."


Orison: ;-; that is so cute

Minaho:you should make Kira the child-

Kira:*throws papers filled with birth certificate at Minaho* bastard

Manabe: ;-;

Orison:Manabe, you're crying?


Orison:-.- okay? so that will be a sample of a request that I can also do

Kira: I am not accepting a request that will make me the reader's chi-

Orison:oh you can also choose if you want me and Kira or Nazeen as any of your relative of child or blood kin blah blah



Orison:that would be all!! bye bye!! *Kira screaming on the background and flipping tables*

Manabe&Minaho: ._. Kira needs holy water

« Orison and her stupid brain »

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