Matsukaze Tenma x reader:Tutor

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Matsukaze Tenma a.k.a Arion Sherwind
(dedicated and requested by AnaPago08 .....thanks for the request!and sorry if it took so long!

Manabe:illegally signing of contract......

Minaho:at least we made it in time

Orison:my brain is exploding in the plan of making this more fluffy!

Manabe:but we decided to make it more.....entertaining?

Orison:I want to make the reader a teacher or you can say tutor and she will fall for Tenma

Manabe:I told you already that it is illegal for a teacher and a student to go in a relationship...that's why I told you to make the reader just a tutor of Tenma....I want to sign a contract for that

Orison:yeah yeah boss!!aye sir!!

Minaho:on the story!


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


-Tenma's P.O.V-

"eh!?a tutor!?" I shouted that Endou-san needs to cover his ears "your teacher told me that your grades are low and that you need a" he said and I did an epic fall...
"poor Tenma" Aoi said while Shinsuke patted me on the back "don't worry Tenma...I promise that this tutor will be the nicest tutor in the world" coach said...nicest?...this lift up my spirit a bit

"r-really!?" I asked and he nodded...oh for goodness sake thank you God! "as long as you study hard" he said and I nodded
"I will!" I said

-Your P.O.V-

"sweetie someone wants to talk to you over the phone!" my mom said and I run mom gave me the phone
"hello?" I said "hey (f/n)-kun" "ah Natsumi-chan!why did you call?" "Endou-kun wants you to tutor someone" she said "again? many times does he wants me to suffer?" "don't're going to tutor a first year and he is very attractive" "ok...what time?" "hm tomorrow night...and you can stay here for a while when you're tutoring him" she said...a he?...ok....boys are hard to control..I just hope that this one is more easy (nope...this won't be easy)

"ok...I might get there in afternoon" you said " careful" she said and hung up

"another one...gah're making me suffer" you said and went upstairs to study

-Next day-

I woke up the same as ever and still a bad bed took me 9 minutes to fix my hair and went downstairs so I can have my breakfast

"good morning (f/n)" mom said "good morning mom" I said and took my food and went to the bathroom to get ready...

-Time Skip-(not good at daily needs)

"oh great you're too early (f/n)-kun" Natsumi said and let me enter and I saw a Endou-kun on the kitchen talking to someone

-Tenma's P.O.V-

"eh?" I said "a girl!Tenma your tutor is a girl!" Shinsuke said "but Endou-san!with a girl is too embarrassing!" I said then suddenly the door bell ringed and Natsumi hurriedly came to get it
"don't worry...she's a nice one" Endou said "you can survive this Tenma!like you always said!things will work out somehow-" Shinsuke was cut off

"Endou-kun (f/n)-kun is here" Natsumi said and I gulped...whoever it is....please don't let it be a harsh one

-Third Person P.O.V-

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