Sakuma Jirou x reader(Go):Something in your eyes

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Sakuma Jirou a.k.a David Samford
(dedicated to akemi_64


Soujiro&Shōryu:and that's us *gloomy*

Manabe:you'll get use to it too

Minaho:I feel bad for them

Orison:oh well on the story and I got this idea in some of my friendly and weird and funny and awkward and dramatic and random conversation

Soujiro:how can you call that weird,friendly,funny,awkward,dramatic,and random?

Orison:that,my dear Soujiro,is because they are FUNNY!!ask no more

Shōryu:there she goes again..stop with the dear hate deers my dear Shōryu?


Manabe&Minaho:just get in the story will you?


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"come on let a man in your life or you'll regret being alone!" again Yuki said again and again convincing you and showing the guy in the pic in her phone...a guy with a stupid pose that all girls will kick his face off of their sights...

"can you stop?I told you I won't just let a guy who I can kick in the face in my life" you said and sighed before leaving your office and walking to Kidou's office

"um Kidou-san here's the papers for the previous training on the team" you said and he nodded before taking the documents and scanning them and nodding before smiling at you

"good can take the rest of the week for a rest...I can see you're overdoing yourself...even Haruna" he said and you look away embarrassed of the truth "my apologies Kidou-san" you said and he nodded before you left his office "got caught again?" the one eyed cyan haired guy said leaning on the wall with his arms cross

"yeah...I'm taking the whole week as rest" you said and Sakuma sighed "told you not to overdo your work" he said and patted your head making you blush...yup,this one eyed(I actually enjoy calling him that -_-") cyan haired guy is the only guy that caught your do love him but never show emotion since Yuki was a pain in the head (I was going to say 'butt' -_-")

"don't worry I'm alright~" you said smiling at the one eyed(-_-") guy and he blushed...yep this guy in front of you always becomes a tomato

"you look like a tomato when your face is red" you said turning away and he scoffed

"like 'As if' Ms.(f/n)" he said and you giggled

"I'm not married yet don't call me with the 'Ms' Sr.Sakuma" you said and he stare at you with narrowed brows and you snicker before continuing walking with him tailing behind you

"'re free for the whole week right?" he asked/said and you nodded

"m-mind coming with me in the zoo?" he asked nervous and you stop on your trackes..him?just asked you out?are you dreaming or is this reality?

"uh sure when?" you asked and he sighed "tomorrow along with Miyabino, Mikado, and Itsumi with Miyabino's girlfriend Kira[1]" he said and you nodded

"sure no problem what time?" you asked

"after practice" he said and you nodded "ok then...see you tomorrow!" you said and run off not noticing Sakuma's stare at you until you disappear in sight...he sighed and walk to the field...

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