Tsurugi Kyouske

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Dedicated to @aphroditte247

Orison: hello everyone!! it is Orison!!

Kira: we're finally back after a long time, sorry if e were not active in so many days

Orison: i've been losing time for writing because school is kinda distracting me for a while but I will manage to give time for you lovelies!!


" Finally... finished it all..." you muttered, slouching on your chair, letting your hair fall from your face.

It was a rough day for you, doing so many projects, research, two reports, five paragraph essay, and taking care of your little brother.

You rearranged your messy table, talking a bath and heading for your bed.

You plop on the bed, bouncing a bit before eternal silence.

Next day          

You slumped on your chair, your head placed on the table as you try to get a few more sleeps. Tried.

" Oi, you're going to stick your face on the table if you don't lift your head."

You groaned frustrated.

It was the one and only Kariya Masaki. The most stupidest person in the world. Well for you he's the most stupidest person in the world.

" Leave me alone Kariya." but he didn't. He just keep on pestering you.

The whole day continued with you trying your next to take a few second rest every after subjects but failing miserably braised of Kariya.

" Now class, you may dismiss."

" Well finally..." you muttered, before getting up to gather your stuffs but not without hearing Kariya freaking Masaki's annoying loud voice.

You walked to your locker, leaving a few books around and finally...

Going home.

You took a few steps out the building, before the voices of the soccer team made its way in the air to your system. You took a look at them, your eyes getting caught at the navy blue haired forwarder.

Your one and only boyfriend.

Haven't I mentioned that you have a hard time dealing with his fan girls, too? Well yes you have. It was him after all, many girls love him because of his looks, and his intelligence in everything specially soccer.

You took a few more seconds, before you hear their manager yelling that practice is finished.

You walked out of the campus, keeping your eyes on the ground before a firm hand took your wrist.

Tsurugi Kyouske.

" Hey, why are you leaving alone? You could've called me to walk you home." he said in a concern voice which he rarely use. His deep voice was able to relax you a bit but the thought of having to finish a lot of projects are other school activities brought it all back. You forced a smile.

" I'm fine, I was just thinking of things..." you said quietly, before walking with him to your apartment.

Well, to your and Tsurugi's apartment.

After arriving, you quickly set your shoes away, going to the bathroom to change your clothes and immediately taking your books and papers out.

You spent the rest of the day figuring out formulas, finishing some essays and other schoolworks.

Tsurugi, who notice your activities checked on you every single minute. He would think of ways how to take you away from your work and rest for a bit.

He sighed, deciding to just ask you what's wrong and headed to your room, creaking your door open.

" F/N? Are you alright?"

You look up from your papers, meeting the eyes of your slight tsundere boyfriend. " Yeah, just a bit tired." you answered, giving a small smile but he didn't take that either.

" You know, you can ask help from me." he said, walking towards you, putting his hands on both of your shoulder, pressing lightly. Your eyes closed in the wonderful feeling, his hands working wonderfully (no dirty minds reader) on your shoulder. He hugged you from behind, your hands reaching up to place themselves on top of his.

" Thank you but I can handle this."

" No you can't."

" Yes I can."

" No, I'm not taking any excuses." you pouted, you can never resist his offer ever. He pulled a chair next to yours, starting to help you in your schoolworks. Time passes and it's almost time for you to go fetch your brother. " I'll come with you." and whatever he says, he does.

You arrived at your brother's school, waiting for him to run towards you and a few seconds later he did.

"Tsurugi-nii!!" his little cheerful voice cooed, jumping off your arms and to his.

"Hello (brother's name)." he pats his hair, putting him down and walking you both to your parents home. After leaving, he hold your hand in his, walking you to your shared apartment together.

You spent two hours finishing your schoolworks with his magical help, then cuddling on the couch with Netflix on.

" Thank you... for everything..." you whisper in his ear softly, leaning on his shoulder as he holds you against him.

" Your welcome F/N... I love you..." he whispered back, a tint of pink hues on his cheeks.

" I love you too, Tsurugi." and you sealed it off with a kiss.



Kira:fluff freak

Orison:says the one who loves fluff more than me


Manabe:at least that ended very well

Minaho:cliché but sweet

Orison:I'll be updating an author's note after this! I'll list my request there! bye bye!

« Orison and her stupid brain »

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