Mikado Haruma x reader:Trust

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Mikado Haruma a.k.a Rex Remington
(dedicated to GalaxyPegasus1 ...thanks for requesting! another for Teikoku Gakuen!

Manabe:can we just go in the story

Orison:fine fine fine fine!oh and this might connect to Miyabano's story of Ghost Hunt ok!


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


walking on Teikoku's school hall was one of the creepiest things you have done in your life,even though you study here you still couldn't get use of how creepy the hall ways was...of course because it was dark but that's not the only reason why you are scared of it....the boys....you might get bullied or the schools bad boys might see you and play things on you... you only trust Miyabano because he was a nice guy and he was the only one you talk to...except for girls of course but still....you hated getting bullied because the girls like the guy you're being with...but Miyabano,was not like all the boys who would actually cared for their popularity...he was kind,nice,and helpful...you even told him who your crush is and he never told anyone about it,he just keeps on cheering you up in confessing to.....who?...Mikado Haruma,who else?you know you just can't trust him even if he's your crush so you and Miyabano never make it obvious to people...

"ok guess what" Miyabano said as he held his test paper...you have a bet in him and you forgot...good thing he keeps reminding you everything....
"what score you have?" you asked with a grin and he look at his test "89/100" he said and sighed as you showed him your scores
"seriously?why do you always get high scores?" he asked and you laughed at his compliment "I told you study hard! it won't hurt to stop playing soccer a bit just to study right?" you said and he look down
"maybe...I just can't stop playing"he said shyly

"next time we'll study together ok?" you said and he nodded "and I'll take your soccer ball away for a bit so you can focus" you teased and he pout "no way I'll let you touch it" he said and you laugh at him
"oi Miyabano-....eh?(l/n)-san?" there he is...the guy you want to trust but can't...Mikado Haruma,is now right in front of you....
"practice is starting...wanna come watch?" Miyabano asked you with a smirk...this is definitely one of his plan to get you to confess to him....

"uh why are you asking?" you said with a slight glare telling to stop what ever he is doing "come on please~" he said and did an eye close smile...
"fine" you said and he did his victory dance along with shining background making you both sweatdrop...you caught Mikado look at you and you turn away
"let's go can we?" Miyabano said and drag the two of you "oi!no running in the hall ways!" Mikado said but Miyabano ignore him...you sighed and let him drag the two of you to the field...

-Time Skip-

"heh see?watching soccer practice isn't that bad" Miyabano said and wink "no that's not really what you're saying....I knew it aaaaaall along the way" you said sarcastically
"I think you're siblings with Yoichi" Itsuki said making Nishinosora glare at him "doesn't mean I'm sarcastic and mocking that doesn't mean we're siblings" he said and they laugh
"come on (f/n)-kun this is just one of my plan for you and hi-" Miyabano was cut off when you covered his mouth while smiling nervously to the others

"you and who?" Mikado asked....yeah good timing Mikado-kun..."ahahahahaha nothing at all hahahahaha" you said laughing nervously and let go of Miyabano and smack him in the head
"ooowwwww" he said and cover his head "who are you planning on Miyabano?" Mashira asked "no one....probably a ghost or something" he said "wanna go ghost hunting again?" Sakuma teased "no!not in the world of death!no even if your sister told me so!" he said still remembering the time when he is with Sakuma's sister but it really made him happy at the same time coz he got to confess to her

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