Author's noteu

830 14 4


I thought of a big problem for myself that's why I did this....

I think I have to watch the whole season again. It's been long since I haven't watch I.E and I forgot those details...

And plus, VACATION IS OVER!! and I am so not proud of that...

Headaches, homeworks, and other craps... oh and Happy New year anyway! I didn't update a new year thingy earlier because I was watching the fireworks with myself... myself... because I was alone in the garden until my whole boy friends not that boyfriend ok? Just friend. They came noisy greeting happy new year to me...

I wasn't able to touch my tablet because it was inside my room and I was helping my mom cook and after we cook I went out to watch the fireworks...

And now, here I am going to watch the whole season of I.E again cursing myself why did I have to forget all the details...

And school... I started to hate school...

I DON'T WANT TO STUDY ANYMORE!! But I have to... study... to be able to reach my dreams..

AND FOR ONCE I HAVE A DREAM!! :D I don't actually have a dream when I was younger since I was still a fetus and an idiot... and now I have one... AN INSPIRATION!!

Well I wish I can achieve it thou...

Please, no I'm not planning to be a journalist...

neither a company worker... hell no...

Well, my dream's too big so I hope I can achieve it... and by means by achieving it I mean study hard for it... Damn...


Why is the can hard to open when it says easy open? stupid can...

-Orison and her stupid brain

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