Yukimura Hyouga x reader:Fears

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Yukimura Hyouga a.k.a Njord Snio
(dedicated to noreenbaluyot and this is my first fanfic about him so it might....


Minaho:I.Said.No.Meanies.Allowed!*smack Manabe on the head*

Manabe:sorry!!I thought that's what she is going to say!

Orison:hurt....the feels.....it.....hurt.....*cries in the corner*


Manabe:oh god oh god oh god oh god OH MY GOD WHAT DID I DO!?I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING BEFORE I DIE!!!


(F/N)-first name
(L/N)-last name
(H/C)-hair color
(E/C)-eye color


"hey?are you alright?" your friend asked you while shoving a hand in front of your face making you snap in your thoughts and shook your head
"y-yeah....I'm fine" you said and did a fake smile and she nodded in relief "let's go!" you said and started walking in the streets of Hokkaido for deliveries in many houses and you just got six deliveries making you feel annoyed...but in the same time you were nervous that it might be Yukimura who would answer your delivery...he was one of those who keeps delivering and he was your ONLY ONE crush that makes you go all crazy...your friend,Shigatsu(OC),knows this and never stops on teasing and forcing you to confess....

when you stopped at the front of his house,Shigatsu let you take care of the delivery while she waits for you to another house...
"ok...calm down" you said and knocked four times since there's no door bells

knock! knock! knock! knock!

"coming!" Yukimura said...now you're really nervous even if you always see him in school and even if he was a friend you never get use of his presence making Fubuki one of those who knows your secret along with Shigatsu...when he opened the door he smiled at you

"yo (f/n)-san" he said and you smiled at him "hey...here" you said and handed him the box "thanks by the way" he said and you nodded before walking away
"um hey (f/n)-san!" he called and you look back at him "yes?" you said and he gulped "um...are you free tomorrow?" he asked

"um yes" you said "mind if you come out with me?" he asked with one of his charming smile "s-sure..after school" you said and he nodded before you turn around and started walking with your hands on your pockets because of how cold it is...
"so?how did it go?" Shigatsu asked with spirit "great,he even ask me out" you said and she squeals "you go for it girl!" she said and you nodded before continuing on your deliveries

-Time Skip brought to you by Olaf-

Olaf:hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!


Orison:like I care

-Back to wonderland-next day-

"bye Shigatsu!" you said and she waves at you "good luck with Yukimura!" she said and you smiled at her before walking to the soccer fields...when you arrived at the sides,you took your seat on the ice and leaned on the ice behind you while watching Yukimura run through the field

"what are you doing there in the cold?" Fubuki asked as he notice you saying it aloud earning some of the members attention you waved at Fubuki and smiled
"(f/n)-san!" now that's your cue,you stood up and dusted yourself...walking forward and trying hard not to trip or slip through the ice....Yukimura made it up to you and help you walk to the bench where Fubuki was standing without his coat...

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