Kariya Masaki x Rich!Reader

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"You take back what you said!"

The loud voice of a certain teal-haired male echoed around the cafeteria, the chair leaving a thud from the sudden action of standing up causing it to fall on the floor. Kirino flinched, looking up at Kariya with a warning glance, "Kariya, sit down, this is embarrassing."

"Not to mention we'll get scolded if you cause another fight," Shindou added, trying to act normal when all that is in his head was 'I swear to god I'm going to rip his head if he doesn't sit down sfhkjrbfjvbrj why am I even here why am I witnessing this-'

"No, I'm not sitting back or calming down until this guy take back what he said!"

His eyes glared daggers at a random brunette, his fist clench at his side. The random student sneered, crossing his arms. Kirino's hand grip at his pink locks while the other rubs his temples.

'I'm so done. why am I alive at this moment?'

"What? It's the truth!"

"Fuck you!"

Annnd the fight begun.


"Oh, god, send help."


"Whatever happened, I don't even want to know," (Y/N) sigh, dabbing the cotton ball with disinfectant on Kariya's cheek, where a cut is visible, bleeding slightly. He hissed at the sting, drawing back, "Stop acting like a kid!"

"I'm not!"

"Well you certainly did earlier," Tenma mumbled innocently, before dashing out the room when those brownish iris glared at him, Shinsuke at his tow.

"That was not necessary," the female groaned.

"Yes it was, if I didn't do that I wouldn't have an alone time with you right now," he grinned once he saw a blush appear on your cheeks.

"Sly asshole."

He simply hummed in amusement, letting her to continue cleaning his cuts. The fight earlier at the cafeteria went havoc, so apparently they both ended up with cuts and bruises, Kariya had a black eye, which he stubbornly threw the ice pack away because it hurts, and... the other guy, maybe a few swollen ribs here and there.

You can't mess with a soccer player.

His eyes search hers, trying to memorize her features, as if he hadn't done that a long time ago before they even started dating. Man, she's a goddess, he unconsciously smiled, staring at her with a fond look. 

The stare didn't went unnoticed and immediately, after realizing he's looking at her with that dreamy look in his eyes, she blushed, suddenly feeling shy and embarrassed, which he noticed because her hand started shaking a bit. He gently grab her hand that was tending to his cut, holding it with both his hands and placing a soft kiss on the soft skin, sending chills to (Y/N)'s nerves and her blush turn deep.

"I'm sorry... for earlier."

"Damn, you should be," she groaned but nonetheless giggled at the affection. Damn it, I'm going soft on him, does he even know he has this effect on me!?  (me every fucking time when I still have a crush, it sucks)

"I'm really sorry, I swear, I promise it won't happen again."

"You really need to stop fighting with others," she mumbled softly, leaning and resting her head on his shoulder. She felt an arm around her waist, the other entangling itself on her hair, caressing softly.

"I can't help it."

"You can, you just need to ignore them."

"I can't."

She pulled away with a confused look. He flinched, looking away from her gaze and searching the right words to say to her, "What do you mean 'you can't'?"

"They were talking shit about you."


"They said that your parents' business is related to drugs and other crappy stuffs, I knew better than to say that because they didn't even complain when I met them for the first time as your boyfriend, that you're just using everyone around you to manipulate others and to look good, that you didn't really love me or any of your friends. I... I couldn't help but feel frustrated, because damn it, they can't see what I see beneath your surname, they can't see the kindness and beauty in you, fuck, they can't feel the love I feel when I'm with you-"

He stop midway, his rambling cut off when a soft and plum pair of lips lock with his own, feeling the smile against his and he instantly kiss back with the same amount of force. His grip on your waist tighten, pulling you closer and within seconds, he had you on his lap.

"Kariya," she whispered against his lips, pulling away for air, "It doesn't matter if that's how they think of me, as long as I have you guys, I'll be fine."

"But still..."

She giggled, causing him to blush at the adorable sound from those goddamn lips that he love, "No buts, I'm not letting you get in trouble just because some guy started spreading shit about me, I wouldn't want you to get hurt either."

"God, I love you, do you even know that?" he groaned, hugging you to bury his head on the nape of your neck, breathing in your scent in relief. He shivered at the giddy feeling in his stomach.

Fucking feelings.

"I love you too, Kariya," you whispered in his ear, making him shiver in delight.

"Stop that, damn it."

"Promise me something", he hummed in response, "Promise me you won't get into another fight?"

"I can't guarantee that."

"Damn it, Kariya."

"I love you too~"




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