//Chapter 2//

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Tommy POV

I'd just woken up from my extremely long nap. I yawned and pet the cat, Will, beside me. He purred and I giggled, "Stay here, I'm gonna check on Ranboo."

I got up and walked out the door. I walked up to Ranboo's room and decided I'd just walk in, since his father said he'd never hear you if you knock.

I walked in, "Hey Ranboo I- Holy shit! What the fuck!"

I slammed the door closed and speed walked back to my room. I sat on the bed and the cat comforted me.

He meowed as if to ask me what had happened. I sighed, "I just walked in on him with some girl....Is it his girlfriend?"

The cat meowed and held up his paw. He shook it no and I laughed, "How intelligent you are...So, I guess he just hooks up with people all the time?"

The cat meowed and moved his paw up and down nodding. I giggled, "Perhaps we'll be good friends, you and I."

He meowed and rubbed my arm with his head. I picked him up and set him on my lap. I began to pet him as I tried erasing what'd I'd seen just now, from my memory.

There was a knock.

"Come in." I answered.

In walked Ranboo with just his boxers. He seemed kinda wasted.

"Jeezus!- Put some pants on, would you?" I asked grossed out covering my eyes.

He chuckled then slurred out, "Sorry you saw that. We just made out though..."

I shrugged, "I don't really care about your love or sex life Ranboo. I'm just your maid."

I think he rolled his eyes. Then he slowly walked over to me and threw himself on the bed.

I scoffed, "Your not sleeping here idiot! You have no pants or shirt! Get out!"

"Since when are you allowed to be mean?" He asked me.

"Your dad said, to always make sure I'm comfortable...well I'm not very comfortable at the moment Ranboo." I said looking down and focusing on Wilbur.

Ranboo groaned and got up. Then he left my room and I sighed, "Thank god, now let's go back to bed Will."

I layed back down and the cat snuggled up to me. I hugged him gently to my chest and he dosed off. I turned off the lights, yawning and then closed my eyes trying to fall asleep.

A creak from the sound of the bedroom door opening....and then closing. Strange. I couldn't see what or who was there cause it was dark.

Suddenly I was grabbed and hugged extremely tightly. A head snuggling up to mine and their breath stenched of alcohol.

I nudged who I assumed was Ranboo away. It didn't do much though. He put his leg over me and spooned me.

I blushed lightly even though I was becoming uncomfortable, "Ranboo?"

"What?" He asked as he rubbed my side with his hand.

"Wh- uh- What're you d- doing?" I asked nervous.

He rubbed his hand under my skirt and rested it on my bare thigh. I blushed brighter as he slurred out, "Nothing..."

"Ranboo why are you in here?" I asked.

"Cause your in here." He replied.

This was really uncomfortable, but he was bigger and stronger then me...and drunk. I was scared to move or push him off. From my past experiences.....resisting or retaliating never ended well.

I gulped nervous as he rubbed my thigh, "Why're you touching me like that?"

He hummed, "Cause your pretty..."

I took a deep breath, "What are you trying to do?"

Wilbur woke up. He meowed and got up. He looked at what was happening and hissed at Ranboo.

I chuckled, "Don't worry Will, I'm fine."

The cat meowed and Ranboo said, "Go away cat. Shoo!"

The cat hissed again and I placed a hand on his furr, "Go on Will. I'll be fine."

He meowed and jumped off the bed. Ranboo pushed me over to lay on my back. He layed ontop of me and hummed as he took in my scent. I cleared my throat, "Uhm...what're you doing?"

He chuckled, "What're you, a virgin?"

I blushed, "No...,but it doesn't matter- What're you doing?"

He kissed along my neck, "You made me send that girl home when I was horny. So I have no one to do it with....Since you're my personal maid, I figured I'd do you."

I squirmed beneath him, "I- I don't want to. Now stop kissing me."

He pulled away and turned the lamp on. Then he reconnected his lips with my neck. I breathed heavily, "Ranboo?"

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"I said I didn't want to...." I said nervously.

He chuckled, "Your funny."

He lifted my skirt and rolled his crotch against mine. He moaned loudly, "Oh baby! You feel so good...."

I blushed red and kept in my noise. I pleaded, "Ranboo...please get off me. I- I don't want to." I teared up scared, "Pl- Please, stop."

He made a confused face, "Y- Your serious?"

I cried, "Don't hurt me! Please! I just don't want to! Im sorry, but please!"

He got off of me and pulled down my skirt. He hugged me softly and kissed my cheek, "Shhh. Hushh baby....I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm sorry I did that.....I wasn't thinking. I'm sorry. You have no reason to apologize."

I cried softly and wiped my face. I pulled away, "C- Can you please...n- not touch me right now."

He got off the bed, "Look, I-"

"It's fine. I just wanna be alone." I said quietly and cried into the pillow.

He sighed, "Goodnight Cu- er- Maid."

He walked out and I heard the door close. The cat jumped back up onto the bed. He snuggled beside me and meowed. I wiped my face and sniffled, "Hey Will."

He meowed and I chuckled, "Let's go to bed."

He meowed and layed down. I put an arm over him and he fell asleep. I wiped my face again, but continued softly crying.

One day....and he already tried something.

I wanted to quit so bad...,but I need this money.

Eventually I gave into the tiredness and just fell asleep.

Ranboo POV

I walked back to my room. I closed the door and collapsed onto my bed, "Fuck."

Why'd I assume he'd want to do it with me?

I'm such an idiot.

I can't believe I almost fucking raped him.

Jeezus....Tomorrow will be awkward.

I feel terrible......I really like him and I might've just made him want to quit.

Shit....I'm gonna have a terrible hangover tomorrow...

1,110 words
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Two more for this book.
Later Gamers!

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