//Chapter 21//

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Tommy POV

We'd finished eating breakfast now and I was currently washing dishes.

Ranboo sat on the couch with Tubbo sitting right beside him. They were watching one of Tubbo's little kid shows. It was a close space, so I could hear when Tubbo would make comments or ask Ranboo questions.

"Tommy said your gonna help teach me to read." Tubbo smiled up at Ranboo.

Ranboo nodded, "Did he?- Well, I guess I have to now, huh?"

"Mhmm, but we don't have to right now. We can talk...." Tubbo giggled.

Ranboo raised his brow, "What are we gonna talk about?"

"Do you love Tommy?" Tubbo asked.

Ranboo blushed and so did I, "Tubbo! We're not even dating! Cut it out, I already told you."

Tubbo rolled his eyes, "Whatever....Hey Ranboo?"

"Yes?" Ranboo replied.

"When you marry Tommy- what would that make us?" Tubbo asked him.

I scoffed, "We'd never get married Tubbo! Stop it!"

Ranboo chuckled then responded, "That would make us brother in laws, isn't that neat?"

"Pretty neat." Tubbo agreed.

I rolled my eyes, "Well it's never gonna happen."

Ranboo nodded, "Yup. Never gonna happen."

Tubbo frowned, "Awe man...."

Ranboo chuckled, "What's wrong?"

"I like you and Tommy together." Tubbo half smiled.

Ranboo frowned, "Awe bud, I'm sorry....talk to your brother about that."

I scoffed, "Ranboo!"

He shrugged, "Just sayin..."

I rolled my eyes as I finished up the dishes. I walked over to my brother and Ranboo.  I picked up Tubbo, "Get away from that big dummy and let's go read, yeah?"

Tubbo giggled, "Mhmm, mhmm."

Ranboo stood up, "Tubbo! You don't like me!?"

Tubbo laughed, "I like you Ranboo!"

"Want me to teach you to read?" Ranboo asked.

I scoffed and Tubbo smiled, "Yeah!"

"What!? No, I'm teaching Tubbo to read." I argued.

"C'mon Tubbo let's read." Ranboo smiled and reached out his arms.

Tubbo reached out for Ranboo. I scoffed and hugged Tubbo, "No! My little brother!"

Ranboo laughed, "Jeez, okay."

Tubbo squirmed, "I want Ranboo to read with us too!"

I sighed, "Fine."

I set him down and then he went over to Ranboo. I rolled my eyes and got a call. My phone sat on the couch beside Ranboo.

Just great.

"James....Who the fuck is James!?" Ranboo yelled.

I ran and grabbed the phone, "None of your buisness."

He scoffed, "Tommy! Don't tell me it's that guy from breakfast."

I blushed and shrugged, "He's different..."

Ranboo popped up, "Lose his number!"

I scoffed, "Excuse me?- You have no say in who I see or talk to."

He clenched his fist, "Oh c'mon Tommy, we have a good thing going here and your gonna talk to this guy while I'm here?"

I answered the call and walked to the room. Ranboo crossed his arms and shook his head. I shrugged and closed the door.

"Fuck!" Tubbo yelled and giggled.

I shook my head and then heard Ranboo begin to lecture him.

"Hey James." I smiled, though he couldn't see cause it was a regular call.

"Hey Tommy!" He exclaimed.

"What's up?" I asked.

He awkwardly laughed, "Its wierd, but I uhm-....sorta just wanted to hear your voice."

I blushed, "Oh!....Uhm...that's cute."

He chuckled, "Yeah well...I- I can't stop thanking about you. I miss you.....can't wait for Tuesday."

"Me neither..." I was bright pink and pretty nervous.

"Well uhm..." he laughed, "I guess I'll let you go. Uhm- l- later Tommy."

"Later James...." I sighed and hung up.

I hugged my phone to my chest, "He misses me..."

I bit my lip smiling and got up off the bed. I walked out into the living room and saw Ranboo upset sitting on the couch. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

Tubbo sat next to him confused.

I went over and sat down beside Tubbo. Tubs jumped off the couch and yawned, "I'm sleepy."

"Wanna take a nap?" Ranboo asked.

Tubs nodded. Ranboo picked him up and took him to the room. He set him in bed and tucked him in. Then he came back and sat down beside me.

"The ultimatum still stands...." I said reminding him.

"Do I even stand a chance?" He asked and sighed frowning.

I scooted closer to him, "Yeah...."

"That's reassuring." He rolled his eyes.

I sighed, "Oh c'mon...Don't be grumpy."

"Why don't you like me?....I just-" He groaned, "Ugghh! I can't handle this..."

I frowned and got a text I checked and it was from James. I blushed and smiled. I was gonna click on the notice, but Ranboo grabbed my phone. He set it aside and grabbed my waist and head.

"While I'm here, no James- Kay?" He asked.

I blushed brightly and nodded, "Kay."

He kissed my cheek and I put my arms around his neck, "Keep going...."

He smiled and kissed my neck. He kissed across my collar bone and I hummed low moans. His hands explored under my shirt and one down my pants. He gripped my bare hip underneath my pants and my bare side from underneath my shirt.

"You taste so good Tommy..." he muttered against my skin.

I moaned, "Ranboo~"

He kissed my nose and then pulled away. I bit my lip, "Mmmh."

He chuckled, "Not here- Tubbo's in there."

I sighed and hugged him, "Hug me."

He hugged me and rubbed my bare side. We stayed comfy like that and I fell asleep on him.....he was just comfy.

Time Skip

Ranboo POV

He's so confusing.

He walks out of the room after talking to a guy and he has bright pink cheeks while he lip bites. He says he likes him and yet hes only been out with him once.

While I'm here hanging out with him and his brother, he's sending me hearts over text, falling asleep on facetimes, I'm making him feel good, and he's moaning my name out. And he still insists on not liking me!

Now he's hugging me and sleeping on me as I rub his side....We're practically dating!

But no....he doesn't like me.

I just don't understand why.

1,018 words
Thanks for reading
Later Gaymers and Gamers :]

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