//Chapter 40//

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Tommy POV

I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen, "Goodmorning Techno!"

"Morning Tommy, you seem happy." Techno replied as he plated food.

I began eating the food he left out for me on the counter, "Yep! I did something really great yesterday."

"Oh yeah?....How can you be sure?" He asked me.

I furrowed my brows, "What do you mean?"

"Well I mean...How can you be so sure it was great?" He asked as he focused on plating the breakfast.

I chuckled, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Shoot." He said.

I nodded, "Well....I got help from a guardian angel and he helped me do something great yesterday!"

"...Cool." He replied rather calmly.

I was surprised he just believed me like that, Oh well- Maybe he just didn't care.

Time Skip

I finished eating and then waved bye to Techno as I walk out with Ranboo's food.

I walked to Ranboo's door and knocked. He opened it for me suprisingly and I walked in, "Goodmorning Ranboo."

"Mornin." He said and sat down to eat.

He began eating and I stood there doing nothing.

"You can fix my bed." He suggested.

So I went and made Ranboo's bed while he ate. Then afterwards I decided I'd vaccume.

Time Skip


Today was a lot more work then I've done here ever!

I mean- I guess I goofed off with Ranboo a lot before. Not like kissing and that stuff, I mean like in general.

It was night now and the day had flown by. I finished up dusting as Ranboo got in bed.

"Goodnight Ranboo." I said and walked over to him.

"Night." He said and turned the other way.

He wasn't trying be rude.....I mean...I get it, y'know?

I turned off his lamp and it went pitch black in the room. I left and went back to my room. I got in bed and got a facetime. It was James. I answered and saw he was in bed.

"Called to say goodnight." James smiled into the camera.

"Goodnight James." I smiled back at him.

He blushed, "Hey uh- Could we go out Friday? Like...I dunno.....Maybe you could come over here? And I could make you dinner, perhaps?"

I blushed, "That sounds great."

"Yeah! Uhm....Tommy?" He asked seeming nervous.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"I really like you..." He turned red.

I blushed bright pink, "I really like you too."

He broke into a smile, "Good."

I chuckled, "Yep."

He blew me a kiss, "Goodnight Tommy."

"Goodnight James." I waved and then hung up.

I set my phone on the nightstand and plugged it in to charge. I turned the lamp off and then lay down in bed and drift off to sleep.

I can't wait to be off work!

Its Okay to Trust //Tomboo//Where stories live. Discover now