//Chapter 58//

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Tommy POV

I woke up the next morning and thankfully my legs were okay since we had done it pretty early on in the night.

Today we were going to see Tubbo and tell him about our relationship. I was really excited for this, because I know Tubbo has been rooting for the two of us for a while.

Also because after everything- I'd like to see my little brother. He makes me happy.

I poked Ranboo's cheek, "Babe?"

He groaned, "Go to sleep."

I rolled my eyes, "Its morning. That means wake up."

"Shhhhh, sleep." He shushed me and yawned hugging me tighter.

"Babe?" I asked again.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"You're naked." I said hoping he'd become flustered and get up.

"So?- Your naked too." He said obviously not caring.

I sighed, "You need a shower after having sex with me again."

"Why?- I like to feel you." He smiled with his eyes closed.

"Oh Ranboo, just get up." I said and tugged on his arm.

"Five more minites." He yawned and turned the opposite way.

I sighed, "Guess I'll have to shower on my own. With no boyfriend to scrub me clean."

He sat up, "We should really shower after last night. And!- We should shower together because it'll save water."

I giggled, "Mkay."

I wrapped myself in the sheet and got up out of bed. He smiled, "Pull the sheet off, baby."

I blushed, "Oh quit it- Now c'mon. Lets go shower."

He just got out of bed not covering himself. I blushed and rolled my eyes at him. He went to the restroom and grabbed me a towel, "Here."

I took it and dropped the sheet, replacing it with a towel around my waist. We went into the bathroom and Ranboo started the water. Afterwards he got in and then I hung up my towel and got in too.

Then we showered together.

Time Skip

We finished showering and had towels around our wiast. I asked, "Can we dress each other?"

Ranboo smiled, "That sounds like a fun idea."

"Right?" I smiled excited.

He nodded, "Sure."

I beamed, "Great- Lets start with me!"

I pulled him with me out of his room and quickly to mine.

"My God Tommy, someone could've seen us." He laughed.

I shrugged, "Well- no one did."

He shook his head, "You're adorable."

I held his hand and led him into my closet, "Mkay- Pick what you want!"

He went to my drawers and took out a pair of boxers, "What do you think!?"

I blushed, "You're a dummy."

He gave them to me, "You love me."

"Still a dummy." I said and put my boxers on from under the towel.

He took out a pair of black ripped jeans and I put them on. He grabbed a white shirt with black writing that read, 'Quirked'

I raised a brow, "Where'd this come from?"

Its Okay to Trust //Tomboo//Where stories live. Discover now