//Chapter 36//

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Tommy POV

We pulled away and he chuckled, "Its getting late. We should probably be heading on our way."

I sighed, "Yeah your right. Dinner tasted great though....and if you don't mind- I'll take you for dessert later."

He blushed and raised his eyebrows, "Bold."

I shrugged, "I just like you."

He smiled, "I love you Tommy."

I blushed and kissed him. He kissed back then pulled away, "Later."

I nodded and then he got off me and back into his seat. He started the car and then we drove towards wherever it was he was taking me.

Time Skip

We arrived and it was some nice restaurant. It wasn't overly fancy- much more my style.

"C'mon." Ranboo said.

We got out of the car and I latched to his arm. We walked in and took our own seats at a table across from each other. Then a male waiter came up right away, "Heyo! I'll be your waiter, what can I get ya guys to start on drinks?"

"Coke and a water." I answered then blushed, "Oh sorry- I mean unless you wa-"

Ranboo chuckled, "Yeah, a water."

The guy nodded, "Great, see ya in a bit with those drinks!" Then he walked off.

"Sorry it's not very fancy, I figured you'd be uncomfortable. I mean- not even I like fancy restaurants." Ranboo chuckled.

I smiled, "I don't like fancy restaurants either."

He laughed, "My dads always take me to those restaurants and they've always got weird names for there dishes."

I laughed, "Tell me about it! When I went with James they had wierd ass dishes with snails and shit."

He nodded with a half smile, "Yeah..."

I frowned, "Sorry..."

"No, don't be. I mean- your seeing him, it's fine." He fake smiled.

I reached my hand over the side of the table for his, "Ranboo...don't give me that smile. I know it bothers you. But....It's not him. It's you."

He held my hand over the table, "Thankyou Tommy, but we can't be certain."

I squeezed his hand, "Let's not talk about this here, yeah?"

He nodded, "Yeah its fine."

The winter came and brought us our drinks, "There ya go! Now are you two ready to order your food?- Or would you like a moment?"

I looked at Ranboo and he chuckled, "Give us a moment, yeah?"

"Yep! I'll be back!" He smiled then walked off.

We both checked the menu and I said, "I'll just take uhm...this."

I pointed to an item on his menu and he nodded, "Mkay, good."

I smiled and then sighed, "Thanks for wanting to take care of Tubbo before anything else, Ranboo."

He smiled, "Ofcourse....I'm just glad you actually wanted to go on this date with me. I mean- you seemed pretty persistent on getting Tubbo a babysitter, so y'know."

I nodded, "Well I did really want to have this with you...I've been looking forward to it since I gave you the ultimatum."

He chuckled, "You happy I succeeded?"

"Very happy." I replied, "Though I'm pretty sure if you didn't succeed, we'd still be going out on a date."

He raised an eyebrow, "Why's that?"

"I already told you- Cause I've been looking forward to this for a while." I explained.

He nodded, "Good, cause I've been looking forward to it since the day you walked in my room."

I blushed, "Right." I asked a serious question, "Ranboo...Do you see us long term?.....I mean like- a life together?"

He turned red, "What?....I mean-...I dunno cause we're not even dating. So it's hard to say, I mean-" He awkwardly laughed, "I just don't have my whole future maped out, y'know?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I get that."

The waiter came and smiled, "You all ready to order now?"

Ranboo nodded and then ordered for the both of us. Afterwards the date went smoothly. Really well actually.

Time Skip

We had already arrived back at his place. We were gonna pick up Tubbo, take him home and then drive back to his place again and sleep.

It was a lot of driving, but Ranboo was kind enough to offer- and well, more of insist.

We got out of the car and went in. Then we went to the kitchen where there was no one.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Probably Techno's room." Ranboo said and grabbed my hand leading me out of the kitchen to Techno's room.

"Techno has a room too?" I asked.

"Yeah. Only you and Techno. That's cause Techno isn't only our chef-" He chuckled then whispered to me, "He's my dad, Dream's body guard. Oh!- and head of staff too."

My eyes widened, "What!?"

He nodded, "Yep."

My eyes widened, "Wow...."

Techno's room wasn't very far from the kitchen. It was on the first floor too. Ranboo knocked and we got a, "Come in."

We walked in and it was similar to mine. I saw Techno on the couch and Tubbo on the bed with Will laying right beside him as he purred.

I smiled, "Thankyou Techno!"

He nodded, "Yeah, no problem."

I went over and picked up Tubbo. Ranboo thanked Techno then said, "We're gonna take him home, be back later. See ya Techno."

"Later Techno, and thanks again!" I smiled.

Tubbo waved to Techno, "Bye Techno!"

Techno waved, "Hopefully soon Tubbo."

We waved and then walked out. It seemed Tubbo had grown a quick liking to Techno as well as he had Ranboo. Which was good.

We went out to the driveway, got in the car, and Ranboo drove Tubbo home.

"How was your date?" Tubbo giggled.

"It was great, thanks for asking." I rolled my eyes.

Ranboo chuckled, "Tommy gave me a bunch of kisses, Tubbo. You would've hated being there."

Tubbo gagged, "Yuck! Tommy is such a love sick dum dum."

Ranboo laughed and I scoffed, "Whatever- Ranboo was giving most of the kisses."

"I beg to differ- you were all up on me." Ranboo kept laughing.

Tubbo laughed, "I believe it!"

I rolled my eyes again, "Say what you want, you're the one inlove."

"Oh! Shit!" Tubbo yelled and giggled.

I burst out laughing, "Pffft- Tubbo! I told you not to use that word."

Ranboo shook his head, "Low blow Tommy and how does Tubbo know that word?"

Tubbo giggled, "Tommy says it."

I blushed embarrassed, "Tubbo, I still told you not to use it."

"You sad not infront of dad." Tubbo rolled his eyes.

Ranboo laughed.

I loved this. The car rides back and forth with Ranboo and Tubbo. It was like....we were all family.

1,102 words

Its Okay to Trust //Tomboo//Where stories live. Discover now