//Chapter 27//

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Tommy POV

Yesterday was pretty boring. I stayed in my room all day with Ranboo. After we had woken up from that nap we just watched movies all day.

Today was....an important day though. And I needed to be really nice to Ranboo if I was gonna be able to...attend the special thing.

When I woke up, Ranboo was spooning me from behind. I yawned and moved around, "Ranboo, wake up."

He yawned and rubbed his eyes. Then he hugged me again and hummed comfortably.

"I need to go get breakfast." I said.

He let go, "Kay."

I got up and saw myself in the mirror. I blushed realizing the hickeys on my neck had gotten really bad. It was probably about time I cover them up. There was quite a few too.

I sighed and then left my room and went downstairs to the kitchen wearing my pajamas.

I walked in the kitchen and plopped down onto the seat at the counter. I yawned, "Goodmorning Techno."

"Morning Tommy." He said slidding me my breakfast.

I smiled a thanks and then began eating.

The brown fluffy cat jumped up onto the counter and meowed. I giggled, "Well hello again Wilbur. I missed ya."

He meowed and then hoped down off the counter. He rubbed against my leg and I chuckled, "Wait till I'm done eating, yeah?"

He meowed what I assume was a yes and he layed down at my feet.

I finished up eating and then Techno gave me Ranboo's plate. Techno took my dish and I yawned again, "Thanks Techno."

"Mhmm, later." He said as he began washing the dish.

"C'mon Will." I smiled and he meowed.

He followed me out of the kitchen and then upstairs and to my room. I entered and saw Ranboo sleepy on my bed. I set his food down on the coffee table by the couch and then went over to him.

"Get up, ya big sleepy head." I said poking his cheek with my finger.

He groaned, "I'm so sleepy."

"Same...must have been from all the movies we watched. Might have strained our eyes." I told him.

He nodded, "Yeah well....I'm super tired."

"Well you need to eat." I said and grabbed his hand.

I pulled him up and he got out of bed. He went with me to the couch and we sat down. He began eating his food and I called for Wilbur, "C'mere Will!"

He meowed and jumped up onto my lap. He purred and layed down. I stroked his fluffy clean fur and sat comfortably beside Ranboo.

Time Skip

Ranboo had finished eating and I had just come back from taking his dish to the sink. I sat as I had before, beside Ranboo with Will in my lap.

I got a text and pulled out my phone. I clicked the notification and it was James.

I blushed as I read, "Hey cutie, I can't wait for today. But uhm- could we change it to dinner *adress* at 7?"

I replied, "I'll be there, can't wait."

"Miss you ;)"

I blushed brightly, "Miss you too."

"Call me later <3" He sent and Ranboo peeked over at my phone.

I turned bright red, He sent me a heart again....

"Don't send him one back...You only send me hearts." Ranboo said then scoffed, "Miss you too!?"

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever Ranboo."

I replied to James, "Will do :)"

"Your not calling him later." Ranboo said and grabbed my phone.

He set it down on the coffee table and then picked up Will, "You need to go little buddy."

I rolled my eyes, "Ranboo leave him alone."

He opened the door and Wilbur scurried out, He probably missed Techno.

Ranboo closed the door and locked it. He came back and sat down. I sighed, "I can call whoever I want- when I want."

"Nope..." he grabbed me and turned me to face him, "You'll be too busy...." I bit my lip and he leaned in, "With me."

I kissed him and he kissed back. I laid back onto the couch and he moved on top of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled away to kiss my neck. I rolled up against him and moaned. He held my hips down, "Eager, huh?"

I nodded quickly.

He played withhehem of my pajama pants as I whined. Then he thrusted his crotch against mine and we both moaned loudly.

He asked, "So?....Still going to see James?"

I nodded, "Yep..."

He scoffed, "Tommy!"

I shrugged and he rolled his eyes. He rubbed against me quickly a couple more times then bit his lip and pulled away.

"I can't with you." He sighed.

I scoffed, "Ranboo!"

He shook his head, "Your playing me- it's not the other way around."

I sighed, "Okay, okay....I just...don't want to fall for you, y'know?- I mean....your too risky and disloyal."

He grabbed my hand, "Tommy....you can trust me."

I laced our fingers, "I try...it's just hard."

'It's okay to trust.'

Wilbur's words flooded my memory...

Maybe I should trust Ranboo when he says he won't hook up with anyone but me.

I want to believe him...I just.....it's hard.

"I wish you trusted me...then we could be together, huh?" He asked.

I shrugged, "I dunno....Guess we'll never be quite sure, huh?"

He frowned, "So...you gonna ask for time off or what?"

"Uh...why would I do that?" I asked.

"I know you have a stupid date with James tonight....I'm not a complete idiot." He said and rolled his eyes.

I sighed, "Ranboo...it's one date. Please may I go?"

He groaned, "Tommy, I like you."

I frowned, "One date Ranboo....please?- If you really like me, you'll let me go."

Ranboo bit his lip seeming conflicted.

He could easily tell me no and keep me here away from James, to himself. Or he could say yes and let me go live my life.

"So?" I asked.

1,007 words
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Layer Gamers and Gaymers :]

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