//Chapter 43//

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Tommy POV

"Wake up Tommay!" Tubbo giggled and poked my cheek.

I yawned and then sat up, "Sorry Tubs...Yesterday was a long day."

He got out of bed, "I'm hungry!"

I got up too then picked him up, "Let's go get breakfast."

"Like go out and eat!?" Tubbo's eyes widened. He loved going places.

"Yep!" I smiled, "So go change and get your shoes on."

He nodded as I set him down. He went to the hall closet and grabbed out clothes and shoes. I went back to the room and changed. Then I came back and found him all ready.

"You ready to go Tubs?" I smiled.

"Yeah!" He cheered.

"Alright c'mon." I smiled and picked him up.

"Can Ranboo please come over!?" Tubbo smiled brightly.

I sighed, "Tubbo...Ranboo's just my boss. He can't go every where with us. And I'm not sure he'll want to."

"Why not? Ranboo loves you." Tubbo said confused.

"Yeah....,but Tubs...I don't love him." I frowned.

He seemed super confused, "I don't get it. You were so happy with him."

"I was never with him....Actually, I'm with someone." I half smiled thinking of my new boyfriend.

"Who is he?" Tubbo asked.

"His names James- Actually, how about I call him? Maybe he can eat breakfast with us!" I smiled.

Tubbo groaned, "Mkay..."

I set Tubbo down then face timed James. He answered, "Hey there my beautiful boy."

Tubbo gagged.

I ignored him, "Hi! I was wondering if you wanted to go out to breakfast with me a-"

"Ofcourse my baby! Where at?" He asked. .

"I'll send you the adress, but uhm- my brother is gonna be there too. I want you to meet him." I smiled.

He nodded, "Alright sure. See you soon my darling."

"Bye!" I blushed as he hung up and then I sent him the adress.

"He seems....possesive." Tubs said then opened his arms, "Uppy!"

I picked him up, "How so?"

"Really? Why couldn't he have just said baby , darling, or beautiful? Why did he have to say 'my'?....It's just...wierd. But you're not his anyway, your mine. My big brother!" He giggled and hugged me.

I hugged him too as we walked out and I locked the door behind us, "I guess he's a tad bit possessive. But that's fine."

"Still- your mine, dad's, and Ranboo's." Tubbo smiled genuinely meaning what he had just said.

I blushed, "I'm not Ranboo's. I'm my own person, okay?"

He nodded, "Whatever you say?"

I don't belong to anyone!

Especially not Ranboo!

That's just....ridiculous.

I'd never tell someone I belong to them or that they belong to me- ever.

We walked to the bus stop and took the bus to the breakfast place.

Ranboo POV

I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen where I saw Techno and Wilbur at his feet meowing.

"Yeah well he says that now- but little does he know he's gonna be the most possessive boyfriend ever." Techno chuckled.

"Uh...Did you just talk to the cat?" I asked, "And what're you even talking about?"

Techno jumped shocked, "Ranboo! Goodmorning! What're you doing down here?"

"I came to get breakfast." I said and sat down at the counter.

"A maid could've gotten it for you." Techno said obviously trying to avoid my question.

"Nah- I haven't gotten out of my room lately. Figured it was time." I said then added, "So...about my question?"

"Oh! I wasn't talking to the cat- I have an earbud in." He smiled and took out an earbud from his ear, "But I hung up."

Huh....I didn't see those there.

"Oh my bad." I apologized as he slid me a plate of food.

I just began eating there then asked, "Hey Techno?"

"Mhmm." He hummed letting me know he was listening.

"I like Tommy." I frowned.

His eyes widened, "Your maid?"

I nodded, "Yes...my maid."

"I'm not sure why your telling me this..." Techno said.

I shrugged, "I wanted someone to know. Before my feelings fade completely.....and for good."

"Why would your feelings fade?" Techno asked and Wilbur meowed.

"He got a boyfriend....So I basically have to lose feelings. I kinda have no choice. Plus- it's not like I can be with him if he's taken." I sighed.

Techno smiled at me, "Don't give up. Don't push your feelings away Ranboo....keep them strong. Don't act stupid though- Just be patient with him, kay?"

I nodded, "I'm trying."

The cat Wilbur rubbed against my leg with a soft Meow. I smiled and picked him up, "Thanks Will."

He purred as I set him in my lap.

Once I finished eating, Techno tried taking my plate to wash, but I didn't want to let him. Still he found a way to take it from me.

"Hey Techno...another question?"

"Shoot." He said as he washed dishes.

I pet Wilbur as I asked, "Do you think I should get a job?....Make my own money. Not live under my dad's roof forever. Get out more...Be independent?"

"Ofcourse!" Techno smiled, "You should definitely get a job- Why don't you try to get into your dad's buisness?" He suggested.

I laughed, "Yeah right- I could never. But...I could get a job at some restaurant, no?- Like start of easy?"

"Yeah certainly. Go for it." Techno smiled.

"Yeah! I'm gonna do it!" I smiled then picked up Will and stood up, "I'm gonna go get a job today!"

I set Will down, "Later Wilbur, thanks."

He meowed and then Techno waved, "Good luck!"

"Thanks, later!" I called out and then left.

I went upstairs and got ready then left to find a place to get a job at. Preferably a fancy restaurant that pays well.

Tommy POV

It had been going well so far, sorta. James seemed to like Tubbo....However Tubbo seemed to dislike James...a lot.

"My Tommy, you've got something on your cheek." James said reaching over to get it.

I pulled away and cleaned it off with a napkin, "I can get it-"

"Stop saying, 'my', he's not yours!" Tubbo finally broke.

My eyes widened and James chuckled, "Awe that's cute- but he is mine."

I raised a brow, "Excuse me?"

"Oh no he didn't!" Tubbo giggled.

1,047 words
So sorry I was late
I was finishing Stranger things lol
Anyway, See yA next time :]

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