//Chapter 13//

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Tommy POV

I woke up and yawned. Wilbur meowed and jumped off the bed. He went over to the door and meowed. I got up and walked over to open the door for him. I let him out and he scurried out, probably to Techno.

I stretched and closed the door. I went to take a shower,Today is the last day till the weekend!

Time Skip

I came out of the shower and dried myslef with a towel. I changed into boxers and then put my dress on. I fluffed my hair in the mirror and then smiled and put my hands on my hips, "Hopefully today, will be an easy day."

I walked out of the restroom and made my bed. Then I left my room and went to Ranboo's.

I knocked and got a, "Come in!"

I walked in, "Morning."

"Goodmorning Tommy- Why'd you leave me in the night?" He fake frowned.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever- I didn't need people thinking you banged me."

He rolled his eyes, "Rude. Can you get me breakfast?"

I nodded and walked out. I went down stairs to the kitchen and saw Will and Techno.

"Goodmorning." I smiled.

"Goodmorning." Techno smiled.

Will meowed.

"There's food for you there. Eat while I fix Ranboo's plate." Techno told me.

I nodded and went to sit on the island counter. I began eating as Techno began plating the food.

Wilbur jumped up onto the counter and meowed. I smiled, "Was that really you?"

He meowed and lifted his paw. He moved it up and down as a nod. I giggled, "Yes?"

He meowed.

I smiled, "Cool."

"That cat likes you quite a bit." Techno said.

I nodded, "Mhmm, you too."

"Yeah, well I found him not too long ago. He was just hanging around outside." Techno said.

"....When?" I asked.

"Sometime last week actually. I've only had him for a week- well two weeks almost." Techno said.

"Strange....I interviewed last week." I smiled.

Wilbur meowed and I laughed.

Techno shrugged, "Odd."

I finished eating and then had to take Ranboo's food up to him.

"Later Techno, thanks for breakfast." I smiled.

"No problem, later Tommy." He smiled back.

Will meowed.

I giggled, "Later Will."

I walked out and upstairs. I went into Ranboo's room where he lay in bed on his phone. I set down his food at his desk, "There's your food....Need anything?"

"You hungry?" He asked getting up.

"No, I ate." I replied.

He sat down at his desk, "Then I'm good."

I nodded and stayed standing as he ate. I swayed back and forth awkwardly.

"I'm going to a party today." He said.

"Oh cool...." I smiled.

He nodded, "Yeah...did you wanna go to the party with me?"

I thought about it, "Uhm- probably not. I'm just your maid and today is my last day till the weekend so-"

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