//Chapter 12//

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Tommy POV

I sat on my bed folding Ranboo's now clean clothes. The TV was on and I watched, but was sorta....distracted.

How do I feel about walking in on Ranboo?

I could care less- I've walked in on him almost every day, including the first day.

It doesn't bother me....It's just uncomfortable to walk in on all the time.

I've seen too many girls in there undergarments and Ranboo too many times naked or just in his boxers.

I just want him to be more clear of when he invites someone over, because I want to know not to walk in.

I'd finished folding and so I picked all the clothes up. I walked out of my room and then went to Ranboo's door. I couldn't open it by myself so I knocked with my hip and called, "Ranboo!"

"Come in!" He said.

"Can you get the door!?" I asked.


The door opened and he let me in. I went to his closet and began putting the clothes away. Afterwards I asked him, "Need anything?"

"Can you uhm....change my sheets?" He asked.

I nodded and left to get clean sheets.

When I came back he was sitting on the couch on his phone.

Probably calling another dumb-...

I mean- I don't care who he's talking to.

I took off his dirty sheets and then put on the clean ones. I took the dirty sheets to the wash room and then went back to Ranboo's room. I fixed his bed and then sat down on it. I fell back and sighed. 

Ranboo didn't seem to care I was laying on his bed. He was too busy texting or whatever. So I curled up on his bed and yawned. I was sorta tired....

Ranboo POV

I was texting a friend- no not a girl.

Anyways he was inviting me to a party on Friday. Obviously, I was gonna go.

I stood up and yawned stretching.

"I'm beat." I said and rubbed my eyes.

I walked over to my bed and layed down. I hugged the pillow beside me and breathed in its fresh sheet scent- only that's not what I smelt. Its smell was like strawberries and sugar. I felt around it and noticed-

It's not a pillow!

I opened my eyes and there lay Tommy. I blushed brightly and pulled away sitting up, Holy shit!

I took a deep calming breath and then layed back down. I faced the opposite way as him and tried falling asleep.

A second ago I was so tired....I was still tired, but I just couldn't fall asleep.

When did he get in my bed?

Did I really just, not notice?

I mean- I don't mind, it's just that I don't remember him being there.

I know he was in here, but...I thought he left. Oh well- I prefer him here.

I turned around and hugged his waist. I kissed his cheek, "Goodnight Tommy."

Tommy hummed and yawned.

He's so cute and adorable.

Just like that.....I fell asleep.

Time Skip

Tommy POV

I woke up in the middle of the night and saw I was still in Ranboo's bed.

I'm in Ranboo's bed!

I blushed, People are gonna think I did it with him! Shit!

He was holding my waist firmly. I moved his hand off me and slipped away. I walked to his door and sighed, "Goodnight Ranboo."

I walked out and into the hall. Ieaned against the door and took a deep breath.

"T- Tommy?" I heard a familiar voice- and yet I've never heard it before.

I looked to my right and there stood a tall figure. My eyes widened afraid. I ran to my room and closed the door shut.

There was a knock, "Tommy it's me. I can explain this, just let me in."

Do I know him?

I've never met him, but....he sounds so familiar.

I opened the door and in walked a man taller than me. Brown fluffy hair and round glasses. Yellow sweater and a red beanie.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Well its me, Wilbur!" He exclaimed.

My eyes widened, "The cat!?"

"Voice down Tommy, yes...the cat." He chuckled.

"B- But how!?" I asked loudly.

"Well first off, voice down- and look at the time." He told me.

I looked over at the clock on my nightstand, "4:52am"

"What about the time?" I asked.

He sighed, "I'm your guardian angel Tommy. 4am is the hour of God. So I can change to human form in this hour."

I blinked a couple times, "Am I dead?...Did I drink something?- A- Am I high?"

He laughed softly, "No Tommy your sober and tired. You should head to bed and forget you saw me."

"Well I can't anymore." I said then asked, "So if your my guardian angel....what can you tell me that'll help me later on?"

He smiled, "This is all out of context Tommy, so don't apply my words to everything." I nodded and he cleared his throat, "Don't be afraid....if you know somethings true, don't let someone tell you otherwise. And...It's okay to trust."

I nodded, "Thankyou....and uhm- Wilbur?"

"Mhmm?" He hummed.

"It feels like I've known you all my life..." I smiled.

He smiled back, "You have, I've been with you since forever Tommy."

I nodded, "Will....what do you think of Ranboo?"

He sighed, "Ranboo is complicated. Hes a complex person....,but only you can decide your opinion on him. Everyone is different." 

I yawned, "I'm tired."

"You should sleep, Tommy." He smiled.

I hugged him, "I love you Wilbur. Thanks for helping me these 18 years. Your a great guardian angel."

He hugged me back, "Ofcourse, I love you too Tommy....now go change."

I went to change in the restroom then came out. I went to Will and asked, "How much time do you have till you turn fluffy and kitty like?"

"A minute." He laughed.

I nodded, "Goodnight Wilbur."

"Goodnight Tommy....I'm glad I got the chance to talk to you." He smiled.

I went to my bed and layed down under the covers. Suddenly a poof of fog or smoke went up and Wilbur was gone. There was a meow and then Wilbur jumped on the bed.

I smiled and wave him over. I hugged him and he purred. Then I fell fast asleep.

1,067 words
How do you think Wilbur let himself out all these times?! Lol
Thanks for reading
Sorry it was late :(
Later Gamers and Gaymers <3

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