2| Deals And Rings

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Malvika :

I drew in a deep breath and typed the Google Meet code.
The man's name was Vanraj Shekhawat. 

And then he let me into the meeting. I wore this pink casual shirt, hair combed, with little make up. All in all I looked like a good girl.
The man on the screen was downright hot.

HIs beard neatly trimmed, hair combed to perfection, I could see the photo frame behind him on the wall, it was the younger him holding a trophy. 
"Good morning ma'am. I am Vanraj-"
"Please call me Malvika.", I said with the slight smile. And then I realised I had interrupted him. He looked annoyed for a split second and then gulped down his anger and forced a smile.

"Sure, Malvika.", He said clearing his throat.
"So Vanraj is the name, right?", I asked as he nodded.
"You have a start up idea?", I asked.
His face lit up as he nodded, "Can I present?", He asked. Although there was no requirement, anyways I wouldn't understand these presentations and all.. I didn't stop him.

My slight interruption had annoyed him last time, somehow he had this angry young man look and I really didn't want to bother him.

He shared his screen and started the presentation. He said lots about stock markets and shares and business, I understood nothing more than the fact that his idea was that of opening a chain of hotels in India.

After the presentation was over, I asked him, "Vanraj, you know the idea isn't exactly unique. Then why should I choose you of all the people?"
He smiled. 
Gosh that smile! He was villainously hot.

"Because I am ready to give me two hundred percent to this venture. I don't like losing, and I will make sure we don't lose anything in this one.", He said smugly.
This man was confident and ready to do all the work.


"Alright, thank you so much Vanraj. I will get back to you soon.", I said with a beaming smile. He nodded with his smug smile as the call hung up.

Ah, Mister Vanraj Shekhawat.

He had the air of arrogance around him, and honestly he seemed a little over confident as well, but I had a feeling that he would be good at his work. Provided he made a whole presentation just to get me on board, and explained so many things that a well versed business icon would understand.


Vanraj :

I was satisfied. I finally sat back keeping the laptop away. 

There was a sharp knock at the door. 
"Who's it? I am busy!", I shouted, shutting my eyes. Video calls can be tiring as well.
"Papa!", I heard. 

I instantly opened my eyes and hoped off the bed. I opened the door instantaneously to find my five year old daughter looking up at me.
"Pakhi!", I said, feeling the fatigue ebb away.
I bent before her as she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back as I drew in a breath of relief. Emotions coursed through my whole being, I felt the moisture in my eyes, and I realised how I longed for some affection.

"You know.. Mumma asked Samar bhaiya to come as well.. but he refused..", She mumbled. I drew in a sharp breath.
"It's okay..", I said in a heavy voice as I released her off my grip. She was a splitting image of her mother, the same black hair, light brown eyes and ever so charming smile.

She wore a pretty pink frock, looking like a princess.
"Papa, we are having a fair at school. You'll come na?", She asked as I smiled, blinking off my tears.
"Of course.", I said as I picked her in my arms and strode out.

In the hall, Meera sat at the sofa, looking around. The house was empty, everyone was off to the nearby temple.
I felt my heart skip a beat, as I walked down to her in bated breath. She looked up at me. There was a sudden silence, as if the moment had paused.
I knew it through her eyes, she was reminiscing the unfortunate day. She instantly looked away.
"Mumma, Papa has said he'll come to the fair!", Pakhi said happily.

"Good for him only.", She replied, refraining to look at me. Blinking off her tears in desperation. 
I made Pakhi sit on one of the sofas.
"Thank you for bringing her.", I mumbled, clearing the throat.
"Had to.. She is so fond of you.", She replied as she finally looked up, her voice was broken, "I had asked Samar as well but.."
"I understand.", I said gulping.

"Now that you have met, I should leave.", She said, smiling weakly.
"Meera.", I said softly, "Thanks for coming over."
She smiled.
"You might be a bad husband but I know how much you love your kids..", She mumbled. I noticed our engagement ring on her finger even after all this.

She noticed mine on my finger as well.

But we knew, some stories had to end. 

"You need some tea? Or coffee?", I asked clearing my throat.
"You can make now?", She asked visibly shocked. I forced a smile.
"Had to learn, you know. No one gives me tea on bed anymore.", I stated in a broken voice.
She nodded.

"What about Arshi? I thought you'd marry her.. now that I was out of way.", She mumbled looking away, in a painful anguish.
"We broke up. I had told you before the divorce.", I said.
"I thought you lied like the eleven years of our marriage.", She said with a painful smile.

"Anyways, got work to do.. Bye.", She said abruptly as she held Pakhi's hand and turned to leave.
"Bye bye Papa!", The kid said happily. I forced a smile.
Meera didn't turn before leaving, I didn't stop her.

I looked down at the newspaper.
"INDUSTRIALIST AKSHAY SINGHANIA COMES OVER TO AHMEDABAD.", The headlines read. I drew in a deep breath.

"I don't have time for emotions now, I have work to do.", I said to myself as I wiped off the moisture from my eyes.


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