37 | A Promise

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I walked into the Singhania mansion.
I didn't know if I should tell Meera anything or not.
She deserved the truth but the truth would shatter her in a terrible manner.

Nonetheless I walked upstairs to her bedroom.
She was still asleep.

I drew in a deep breath and sat at the sofa in the corner of the room.
My head ached pathetically.
Everything was messing up within moments.
Malvika, Arshi, Mom, Papa, Samar, Meera.. nothing seemed right anymore.

Suddenly it struck me.


I was about to stand up and run when I heard her voice.

"Papa!", She said as she rushed into the room.
Meera stirred, but didn't wake up.
I bent on one knee as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"Where were you?", I asked.
Her touch seemed like the only comfort.
"I went home from school, and I was at home only.. I was feeling so lonely..", she said sadly.
I hugged her tighter, shutting my eyes.

"But then.. Mukku Mom got me here.", She beamed.
"Malvika?", I asked softly as I finally opened my eyes.
Malvika stood at the door, with a soft smile.

I was expecting her to fight with me over her darling brother, or maybe have a problem over my extra concern for Meera.
But here she was, smiling calmly.

I released Pakhi.
"Mummy is asleep?", She asked in a hushed voice.
"Yes.. you need some sleep too..", I said, lovingly shoving her hair back.
"Ah yes. And now Pakhi princess is going to sleep in the other room.", Malvika said, lifting her in her arms,
"Okay?", She asked, with the affection of a mother.

"Okie dokie!", My daughter said, smiling away, oblivious to everything that had gone wrong.

Malvika glanced at me with the smile and took her to the room beside this.

I glanced at Meera.
Drawing in a deep breath, I too walked out of the room, carefully shutting the door behind me.

I walked down to Pakhi's new room. Malvika carefully pulled the quilt over her.
"But.. Mukku Mumma.. I don't wanna sleep!", Pakhi said pouting.
"But you need rest, don't you? Princesses always need enough sleep to keep looking pretty.", She said, sounding almost like a child.

I felt my lips curve into a smile.

My home was right there, with her.

"Okay then! Because Pakhi is the prettiest!", Pakhi said giggling as she immediately shut her eyes.

It would take her only a few minutes before she dozed off.
And she did.

Malvika finally stood up and walked down to me.
Her expressions changed drastically.
The smile was off, and she looked serious.

"You don't realise what you did?", She asked.
Suddenly an old fear gripped me.

"Meera please-"
"You don't realise what you did?!", Meera screamed at me. Her bloodshot eyes had an emotion I had never seen.
Anger, rage.
"I-I am sorry.. I-", I stammered, tears streaming down my eyes as well.
She gripped the collar of my sherwani.
"I am leaving, Mister Shekhawat.", She said, in gritted teeth,
"The wounds you've given me, will never heal.."
"Please.. please don't..", I remembered mumbling but there was no forgiveness.

I immediately looked down, drawing in a sharp breath.
"Can I have an answer?", Malvika asked.
I couldn't find the strength to look up.
I had relentlessly screamed at her, insulted her.

She took another step towards me.

"Why do you have to do things you'll eventually regret?", Her tone softened.
I felt my eyes itch with tears.
I felt her hand on my cheek.

I realised how much I missed it.. her presence, her scent, her touch.
I immediately held her hand on my face.
"Now don't start with your sorry speech. Anyways you've taken my forgiveness for granted.", She said sighing.

"No..", I mumbled looking up.

"Yes.. see.. my cry baby Raj is back.", She said, trying very hard to not smile, but smiling anyways.
"I'm not a cry baby.", I said, my voice sounding numb.

She lovingly stroked my hair to a side.
How did she even manage to do this?

"That's because I love you a lot more than your pointless anger. I know you mean nothing when you scream.", She answered the question that I didn't even ask.
"You've started reading my mind or something?", I asked, impressed.

"Oh yes. I always did. My Raj.", She said as she pulled me into a warm embrace.
I immediately hugged her back tightly.

I realised, she's the only thing I truly wanted.
Even in the darkest night, the most difficult path, if I had her, I'd make it out alive.

"I'm so sorry.. I don't think when I get angry..", I mumbled.
"Then you must, you know. It hurts to see you scream that way, because I know eventually you'll be guilty.", She whispered.

"Rose..", I whispered, she drew in a deep breath,
"I-I don't know.. that Arshi.. your brother.. Meera.."

"If Bhai is really wrong, I will never be on his side.", She said clearly.
"But.. you know.."
"I know you'll not leave Meera's side either way. And I respect it. Out of both, your guilt and basic responsibility as a friend, you will be on her side and it's fair enough.", She said.

She was addressing the exact thing that scared me.

"But Raj, whatever it is, it must never affect our relationship.", She said.

She released me of the hug as we stood before each other.
She placed her hand before me.

"Whatever it is, it must never affect our relationship.", She said.
I drew in a deep breath.
"Even if we choose opposite sides?", I asked.
"Can you bear to live a life without me?", She asked.

And I knew the answer.

I placed my hand on hers.
She clasped it immediately.

"We will always be a team.", I said, confidently.
She smiled.

Just then we heard a car stopping outside the mansion.

And we knew, it was him.

We looked at each other, a slight fear in both our eyes.
And then I looked at my hand clasped in hers.

This time, I wouldn't break the promise.


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